Wednesday 3 June 2015

Found It!

I found a barn and I'm so, so excited! Bridget will be moving sometime near the end of the month to her new home away from home :) The barn is pretty small and mostly private (only 2 or 3 other boarders) so I'm feeling very lucky they had a space for us.

The place is owned by an eventing coach with a super impressive resume. This is someone I've wanted to ride with for just about forever. I was actually a little nervous/intimidated to get in touch with her, but was assured by everyone that she teaches all levels of horses and riders and is very positive and welcoming. As luck would have it, she not only agreed to coach us, she had room in her barn too!

Board is quite a bit more than I'm used to, but luckily I can work some of it off. It's only about 10 minutes from my work, which makes that a reasonable prospect, although it might mean some pretty early mornings!

Until then, lessons and trail rides at home on the weekends - we've got some work to do! :)



  1. That sounds perfect!!!! :) So exciting!

    1. I was too excited about it to sleep last night, proving I'm just as horse crazy now as I was when I was a kid!

  2. Fingers crossed it's everything you hope it will be. Awesome learning experiences are in your future!

    1. I'd like to hope just being around that environment will bring positive changes to pony and I :)

  3. ahhhh i'm so excited for you!! it sounds like the ideal situation! i hope bridget loves the new trainer and the new trainer loves bridget!!!!!

  4. Woohoo!!! I'm just catching up on blogs and when I read this I had to comment. Congrats and I can't wait to hear more :-)
