Tuesday 12 May 2015

Pardon The Interruption

Sorry for the somewhat infrequent posts. My current job has picked up and I'm getting called in every day, and of course my new job starts shortly and there is much preparation and research to do in order to get myself organized to move.

Sadly, I had to nix my plans to show this past weekend. I just can't justify the time and expense when I'll have so many more extra costs coming up at the end of the month. Also, for this new job I'll be moving to the area where that show series is held.  I'll have the rest of the summer and fall to attend them without the giant expense of taking a horse trailer on the ferry.

I have been riding, but it's been a little more infrequent than my normal 6 days a week schedule. Poor Midge was full of beans last night and very silly and spooky. I didn't think an arena ride would be productive, so we went out on the trails for an hour or so. It's been a number of years since I've spent a spring or summer on the coast, so all the flowers and greenery make me feel happy and slightly nostalgic for all those fun rides on these same trails when I was a little kid.

Enjoying the summer weather

I haven't made any firm decisions yet regarding boarding or living arrangements for next month. The horses are going to stay where they are for now and I'll see them on weekends, but I'm going to make arrangements for Bridget to come with me as soon as I find something.  I have a lead on a good sounding place with an excellent eventing coach that comes there, but it will be a bit of a drive and I'm concerned in the winter I won't get there before dark (there is no indoor or lights on the outdoor). The only place with an indoor (besides excellent coach who is full) is self board and doesn't have much turnout so I'm not thinking that's a viable option. Ideally, I'd like to find full board with access to that great coach! We've been checking out real estate, but for now I'm just going to rent and get a better idea of where or what we'd like to buy.

Ginger is going to stay where she is. I'll be able to see her on the weekends and she's just so happy and relaxed at this barn I'd feel horrible moving her.

Ginger and her boyfriend
I have a fun mini clinic weekend scheduled this Sat/Sun with S. We're going to trailer in to our local exhibition grounds and see if we can find the tools to get Midge a little more relaxed and willing outside our home arena. Until then, pardon the small interrruptions while I get my life rearranged :)



  1. Congrats on the new job! I hope you find a great place to board. It can be so hard finding the right situation. Fingers crossed for you!

  2. Sounds like you have a good plan, hopefully the perfect boarding situation shows up soon :)

    1. I'm optimistic something will come up - it's also nice to have the backup plan of simply leaving them where they are. Not so convenient for me, but it's excellent care and facilities for them :)

  3. good luck getting everything organized! finding new barns is so stressful - hope you love what you settle on!

    1. Thnak you! My options are very limited, but we're going to go look around this weekend and hope something good comes up!

  4. Smexy boyfriend! Hubba hubba Ginger! I agree

    1. Her boyfriend is super sexy :) They are cute together - best friends even tho he's a boy!

  5. Replies
    1. It's got to be genetics since my two are just loaded with them and the other horses on site who get almost the same feed are care are just shiny :)
