Sunday 4 March 2018

Good Girl

Saturday marked our first drill team practice, and Bridget was a star! I was so pleased with how well she handled horses and riders in her space, and how calm and obedient she stayed. She was definitely a good influence for some of the more excitable horses. One of the great things about Bridget is that it's pretty rare that she cares what kind of energy other horses bring to the table. She's much more inclined to feed off her rider's energy  and confidence and match that.

Come here, Bridget, people want pics of your new browband.

We didn't practice anything too complicated pattern wise, and I found the whole thing pretty relaxed and fun. I think anyone who has a decent concept of pace and a somewhat adjustable and willing horse wouldn't be too challenged, particularly if your horse is used to busy warm ups or sharing space in an arena. The square corners and straight lines are all things we do anyway, and the concept of looking for your partner or mark isn't so different than judging your line and pace to a fence or finding your dressage letters.
Please don't sulk, you just need to try it on, OK?

This particular group has a few more beginner riders and green horses, so the pace is never too speedy and fun is the goal. Mostly I'd say it's just an awesome social get together! Most importantly, Bridget seemed to really enjoy it, so we'll be back as often as we have time for.
Please contain your excitement
Would it hurt to try to put your ears forward?

Sunday was a bit of a non event. B felt a bit stiff and sore and wasn't really warming up out of her tired state of being, so I got all worried and walked her home. Barn owner was like "Was your ride exciting? Your horse has been running and going wild all day in her field!" So, yep, nothing to worry about, just B still in spring fever racehorse mode and still believing she's much more athletic than she actually is. Don'  stop believing, little Bridget :) Silly mare gets a couple of days off from riding due to my schedule, so let's hope she's wise enough to rest a little.

Win for ears up, fail for forelock floof hiding new tiara.


  1. i'm so jealous that you're doing drill team stuff!! my first barn and trainer was a HUGE fan of teaching students to ride drills set to military tunes haha, and we did a big event for our parents to watch every year. that's actually something i think isabel would have been really good at too.

    1. I actually had way more fun than I thought I would, the precision appeals to my dressage brain and the ladies we rode with are super nice.

  2. her facial expressions are like..what?? Me?

    I love the browband when you can see it :) And yay for drill stuff and having fun. And wild pony :) that is so funny she exercises her self I am pretty sure the only exercise Remus gets in the field is walking from the gate when he gets turned out to the pile of hay and back again :)

    1. Normally B is a sloth in her field too, but it seems spring fever is well under way!

  3. That sounds like a blast! Her faces are hilarious, though

    1. I need a time lapse option: cuteness of pictures deteriorating over time. When I first got her and she was like "Ohhh what are you doing?!Is there treats?" And now "Ughhh. More pictures for that dumb blog thing. I'm soooo bored of this."

  4. I think that Carmen would love drill practice. I sounds like fun

    1. I think all the horses really liked it and Carmen would be amazing! I feel like the horses think it's kind of cool that they all get to work side by side in a herd - there was surprisingly little ear pinning or rudeness.

  5. Drill practice sounds like a blast. I wish we had options like that here - how fun! And her expressions are so cute and remind me so much of my blaze-faced mare.
