Thursday 9 November 2017

Season Wrap Up

Since we've moved further north temporarily, it's unlikely I'll be attending any more shows between now and the new year. My feelings about that are 60% "Yay, no more pressure!" and 40% "Where did the time go and what about those goals I had?!"

If I stop to think, I'm actually pleased with how the year went. No, we did not achieve any goals of moving up, but I think that was the right decision, and in no way reflects all the progress we made. We also spent way more time and money on lessons and clinics than shows this year, a decision I'm happy with.  I'll recap the detailed training progress closer towards the end of the year, since we still have lots of riding time, plus a couple more clinics and fun events coming up before then.


-Lessons 2x week.
-Wendy Kristoff clinic.


-Lessons 2x week.
-MREC Two Phase:
Dressage earned us our standard 65%. Midge was on fire for the jumping, and we did a second round at 2'6" that remains my favorite round of all time. A pretty green 5th place ribbon for our efforts!

No actual media from the round, because it was raining torrentially and probably no one but me and the jump judge were there to witness the brilliance, lol


-Lessons 2x week.
-HTBC Spring XC Clinic.
Remember the clinic where she slept and bucked me off (I think 4 times in three days!) equally as much? Take home: The myth that they can't buck you off if they're going forward at speed is just that, a myth. Also, bucking while cantering on a steep downhill is pretty much guaranteed to get me off and way too easy a maneuver for fat ponies..


-Lessons 1x week.
-SCEC Dressage %: 
This was not our best effort, and scored us a 60 and a 62 at 1-1
-SCEC Hunter/Jumper:
This was the one with the self appointed show manager being (IMO) a bit of a witch. Round 1, B was a star, I forgot the course! Round 2 went well, and I opted to end there due to not feeling the vibe because of the show organizer drama/insults. We do not attend these shows anymore.

Nope, this isn't going to go well. Dressage % day.


-Lessons 1x week.
-Clear Rounds Schooling show/clinic:
I had an attack of nerves at this one...looking back that May H/J show experience really got in my head. We did a couple of crossrail rounds, then some 2' successfully and called it a win. B was really behind my leg and a bit awful. I wanted to switch to dressage :)
-Pender Harbour XC Clinic.
B's ears are happier here. PH XC clinic.


-Lessons 1x week.
-Campbell Valley XC Clinic.
-Canada Cup Dressage:
We did Training 2 and 3 here, and had the most fun ever. Scores ranged from 63 to 68% and we rode 6 tests over 3 days. Ribbons for every class, all first or seconds, added to the dream like feel of that weekend!
It wasn't all perfect, lol. Is it sad that this is my current favorite show picture? It's just


-Lessons 1x week
-Campbell Valley Horse Trials:
67% dressage test, a few time penalties xc, and a clear show jumping. Midge got 3rd place in a really large division. Such a nice surprise!
I was reading this magazine last weekend and saw Bridget and myself's results hidden in there among all the big names and show results. It pleased me far more than it maybe should have...thanks for supporting the all the levels, Horse Sport magazine!


-Lessons 1x week


Some happy hacking was had instead


-Lessons 1x week on Audrey
-PRTR Group Ride ( Bridget)
-Becky Martens clinic (Bridget)
-Sarah Bradley clinic (Bridget)



  1. You guys really went out and did all the thing :)

  2. You guys did do so many things! I’m totally jealous :)

    1. I had crazy bad show nerves last year, so one of our goals this year was for me to get off property to a show or clinic at least once a month. I think it's helped!

  3. Wow my goal was to make it thru the year...

    You guys did great!!

    1. Making it through the year is the most important goal!

  4. it honestly sounds like it was a big year for you guys - lots to be proud of and omg all that satin!!!!

    1. My expectations are unreasonable, I guess. LOL

  5. i think you deserve a bit of a rest now :) LOL! looking forward to seeing what you do next year!!

    1. Hopefully,happily onwards and upwards! :)

  6. It felt like such a struggle, but when I look at it now, a lot of really good things happened!
