Monday 13 November 2017

In Which I Just Ride My Horse

I grew up on the periphery of the horsey crowd here. As an adult, I have spent several years off and on here. Sometimes I'm more involved than others, but normally I'm pretty independent and preoccupied with my own goals.  That continues to be the case. I'm apparently so determined to keep Midge fit that I had a nightmare the other night where we were given 150 time penalties on XC, even though I was kicking every stride.

I've been riding in the dark, in the wind and rain, in an effort to get our dressage back to a happier place. I'm pretty sure my (lovely) barn mates think I'm nuts. Midge is pretty sure too, but since she's remarkably brave about hacking out after dark, we persist.

Worth noting: riding in the dark is excellent for feeling exactly what's going on underneath you. I actually think our best ride last week was when I took B for a good canter round the giant outdoor to start. I never did move inside where there were lights because things were going so well and I was really focusing on the important stuff for a change.

I did go to a social event the other day, where it was 50% wonderful to catch up with old friends, and 50% awkward. Why, why, WHY are horse people so nutty about talking the talk and pretending to be experts/better than everyone on all things horse? Message received guys, I'm on your turf again, I get it. But you are threatened (?) by an overweight adult ammy on a pony, WHY? Why am I even on your radar? I'm not sure I'll ever have patience for social games.

Midge continues to be an absolute star in the indoor arena. I'm not sure yet if it's because there are no distractions, or because the footing is so nice, but she's way more willing to relax over her topline and push from behind. Way more willing in that I pretty much never have her working that well elsewhere, and yet in the magic indoor it's rare she's NOT working through. Maybe I need to consider some shoes for her as a start?
Magic Indoor looks just like any other indoor

Today is supposed to be our jump day, but currently the wind is howling and the rain is pouring down. Fingers crossed, the storm passes before dark, the outdoor drains sufficiently, and we can fit in some jumping. Otherwise, the magic indoor is calling :)

I miss EC and the barn crew down there, but it's so, so nice to be home, even part time.


  1. Dude... I have a magical indoor at my new barn too! I kinda think it's just void of distractions, but whatever it is, it is ah-maz-ing! Enjoy!

  2. Sounds like all is going well for you guys. I wish I had a magic indoor :)

    And people be people be people. Ignore them :)

    1. I've ridden in plenty of indoors, and this is the first I've found. I think the magic ones are exceedingly rare, pony specific, and likely transient in nature ;)

  3. My guy has been doing best in our indoor lately too. Part of me kinda hates it bc it's so much nicer to be outside... But at the same time I want to work where he is happiest!

    1. It's odd because it doesn't seem like Midge (or Charlie) would be the type to be overly concerned about surroundings!

  4. Ahhh, jealous of your magical indoor!! Sounds like the move has been successful though, so happy for ya!

  5. Ahh nice indoor! That makes ours look like a hut lol.
    I am the same as you.... Involved in shows and all things horse one year and then off the radar as far as horse show people are concerned.
    I too have many personal life goals and that's cool!

    1. It's hard to balance all the things, bu I think so, so necessary to have goals and life outside of horses.

  6. Riding in the dark is pretty magical! I've done it a couple times too, and I'm sure other people thought I was insane lol

    1. I can't believe how visually oriented I am when I'm riding. And how in tune I actually am once we take the visual distractions away.

  7. I could use a magic indoor too. :)

    1. Horsey version of Oprah: "Magic Indoors for everyone!"

  8. I rode in the dark (well the moonlight) last summer and it was pretty cool! I'm sorry to hear about your unpleasant social interaction... I think people who are "condescending know-it-alls" are really deeply insecure, so I take them with a giant grain of salt (and sometimes tequila).

    1. I always take it that they're insecure too, but I guess I'm like "Hey, it's just me, I suck at this riding thing...please don't feel like you need to one up me...lets just talk and be honest like normal people!" :)

    2. I think you're on to something with the tequila thing.
