Friday 12 May 2017

Week 7 Happenings

Bad news...the saddle didn't quite work. The good news is, it's the right shape and only slightly narrow, and does come in an XW width from the factory. So, options. I just priced out a new one and I'm looking at about 3k CAD, which might not happen soon, but is much more likely to happen than the 6k County Sensation on the demo list. So, we patiently continue to wait for a jumping saddle of our own.

In pony weight loss news, the vet took a look and is not happy with progress. So, pony now gets locked in 'jail' (aka her little winter paddock) at night with just one flake of hay in a net. I'm holding out hope that being in the 'big' summer paddock with the rest of the mares during the day will ramp up her daytime activity and help a bit too. Owning a super easy keeper is actually harder to manage than a thin, more athletic horse.

You gotta love the guy, but yeah. Midge and he might have a bit in common.

On to our fitness happenings for week 7. I've been sick and away from home, so only actually rode twice this week! However, Midge has been busy.

Friday: Last minute vaulting lesson

Saturday/Sunday: Midge got a vacation, because I needed one desperately and favorite working student was away competing.

Monday: Best dressage lesson.

Tuesday: Vaulting class. Midge cantered on the lunge for almost the whole thing. The kids are getting pretty excited, Midge is turning into a legit vaulting pony,

Wednesday: Flatwork, that wasn't really the best. Lots of canter, because she was a bit stuck and tired feeling. 60 min ride, 20 min walk, 20 min trot, 20 min canter (canter in approx 5 min intervals with trot) She's not at a stage where I can time intervals precisely, simply because I still need to insist on proper transitions and balance, and sometimes that just takes as long as it takes.

Thursday: Trainer ride, dressage. Reports were she was super!

Friday: Favorite working student is going to give her a jump school and hack.

Looking forward: I'm going home for a weekend of R&R. I'm seriously contemplating a big change in the work/life balance dept, but want to make sure I'm rested and have thought things through before I make any decisions. Midge is going for a trail ride on Saturday, then having Sunday off. I have a jump lesson on Monday. We have no show plans in the immediate future - I'm too burnt out for the drama that seems to accompany the local series, and it seems others felt the same because they cancelled the latest show due to lack of entries. I'm also wanting to save cash for the saddle situation. Currently, our next scheduled outing isn't until June 29, when we're planning on doing a back to back 4 day horse trials in the interior of the province. 4 full days of competition means I'd better keep up the fitness work!


  1. I'm ultra excited for Topline so I'm super hopeful you've found a saddle by then. I just need to work on my fitness so I can keep up with my little red horse for 4 days.

    1. Yay, you'll be there too! I'm going no matter what the saddle situation is :)

  2. Ugh...easy keepers are way harder than skinny horses. I can totally relate! And a legit vaulting pony? What a good girl!

    1. She LOVES the kids. It's kind of awesome.

  3. Easy keepers are so much tougher!!

    1. I know. I seriously just want to bring her home and ration her food better...the herd thing isn't working because everyone else needs way more calories than her.

  4. Good luck with the saddle and life choices on work/life balance. Also exciting about the big event on the horizon!!

    1. It's shameful that I'm not actually more excited about it. I need to fix those work life balances so I can enjoy the 'life' part more!
