Thursday 4 May 2017

Fitness Week 6

Still rounder than we'd like, but believe it or not, much progress is being made - I can do up her girth again lol! Also, if my bank account grows substantially in the near future, I'll buy a saddle just like the one she's wearing. It's a County Sensation with a non forward flap. There were some custom alterations to the blocks done for the lesson kids, but it's surprisingly perfect for me as is! Instant love.

Saturday: Epic disaster show. Midge was a good girl, but we only ended up doing 1 round and maybe 20 min in the saddle tops.

Sunday: Mini jump school 30 min and hack (30min, up the big hill and back).

Monday: Best dressage lesson

Tuesday: Vaulting

Wednesday: Fitness hack. 60 min, big hills, walk/trot/canter/gallop.

And it continues to officially the second wettest spring in 125 years of counting.

Thursday: Trainer ride, dressage. She loves riding Midge and our 'couple of rides' agreement has morphed into another month. No complaints here, she gets way more done in a ride than I would in 10 lessons and the cost is the same as a single lesson :)

Friday: Midge gets a well earned day off.

Looking forward: Mini vacations for everyone! Our event in Vancouver this weekend was cancelled due to all the rain we've had. The XC field was ankle deep in water and very squishy when we were there a month ago, so I'm not too surprised. I'm actually slightly worried the June event will be cancelled too! They're running the May event as a combined test instead, but having just done one of those in April, we decided to opt out. I'm going to use my 3 days off work for a nice getaway with G instead, and Midge is getting a time out too. We're at week 6 of a 6-7 days a week schedule for her, and done a lot of hard work, so she deserves a couple of days off in a row to just chill. I feel even less guilty because this is the horse's first weekend of summer pasture time, so everyone will be running around like idiots and self exercising anyway :) We'll be back Monday with a jumping lesson!


  1. It sounds like a break will be quite lovely for all of you.

  2. Your dedication is so inspiring. Enjoy your days away!

    1. My dedication has been feeling lacking, it's more sheer stubbornness at this point :)

  3. I'm so impressed by how much work you are doing with her! Great variety too!

    1. I like to keep it fun for her! If it was strictly up to me we'd probably do a lot more dressage, yawn ;)
