Monday 9 February 2015

Rainy Ride

Thanks to yet another pineapple express, we're being drenched with rain and wind yet again and everything is (still) flooded. Going outdoors is like what I would imagine walking through a car wash might be like. The ironic part of all this drowning in water is that the accompanying warm temperatures mean there is no snow in the mountains and we'll likely be facing a shortage of water come summer. Silly Wet Coast!

Ginger came out today for a spin in the outdoor. She's a bit less of a fair weather princess this winter as her desire for pasture time and friends seems to outweigh her desire to hide inside out of the elements. Not much to say for the ride itself, she felt super duper stiff and rusty again, which is a bit discouraging since that's all on me. I felt like my riding was sub par as well. Pony rides a lot greener than she should these days, but that's what happens when you take a year or two off any serious program. It's no reflection on her, she's still the best. She felt really backed off today in general, only to leap forward off my leg when I needed to (gently) remind her to move out. That's the old Ginger I remember :) We just did some walk/trot and worked a bit on bending and flexing - nothing complicated. She's been out of real work so long I feel like it's unfair to ask a lot.

 I got on Bridget after and immediately felt like I was on the better trained pony. Funny what a little work and consistency will do! As I hinted in my previous post, I do have a plan for getting the big mare going again and it starts with rides like this. I won't blab on, I'll leave you now with a Ginger photo dump (of, fingers crossed, the first of many more regular Ginger rides):
Warming herself up with a big trot

Love the big cob trots!
Yet another cause she's cute
Off we go

More warm up trot

My riding is really sucky in these photos. But Ginger looks cute and happy, so we'll post them

Again, no clue what I'm doing. I'm slouchy loose rein chair seat girl!

No wait, I'm tense grabby rein perchy person! She had just spooked/scooted past the jump standards in the background. When in doubt, go fetal ;)

Here I do remember asking for a leg yield. Interesting how all these photos show how NOT still I am in the saddle, even though I do put in quite an effort to keep a quiet and stable position on her.
Bonus baby kitty pic!


  1. Ginger has a huge trot! Yay for baby kitty pics :) You and Ginger both look great, don't be so hard on yourself!

    1. Thank you! I'm going to post all the baby kitty pics lol

  2. Oh goodness. We are getting drenched as well done here in Oregon. I'm ready to be done with pouring down rain for a while.

    1. I haven't been home for a few winters, but this seems worse than what I remember? Fingers crossed we all get a break from the precip!

  3. Lovely move and uber cute kitty! Aww's.
    Totally jealous that you can see green...

    1. A thin layer of green over all the mud lol...but the ponies are definitely starting to shed which means spring really is going to come!

  4. love her trot!!! glad it was a good ride and i'm excited to hear more about getting Ms Ginger going again! love all the pics too - esp the kitty :) stay dry!

    1. She's such a nice mover - it's all just so easy for her, where poor Midge struggles. More Ginger rides coming right up :)

  5. Oh Em Squee adorable Ginger & kitty pics ♡♡♡

    1. I thought I'd totally turned into a crazy cat person, but then last night I caught G looking at the local rescue's website in hopes of finding a buddy for baby kitty! He has it worse than me!

    2. Hahaha that is priceless!

  6. Winter makes it tough to be consistent -- I bet once the weather breaks you'll both improve my leaps and bounds!
