Wednesday 31 July 2013


I got a surprise phone call today - apparently G went to the bank today and got approved for the money for the 'dream' farm at a super low interest rate. I'm freaking out a little ( a lot!). This is one of those things I really want to happen, but for some reason I kept thinking it was a 'someday' sort of thing, not a 'this could happen right now' situation.

I can't even believe I'm saying this, but for now we'll sit tight and wait. I need to wrap my head around this. I think this could be everything I ever wanted, but this is a huge life changer and I don't want to jump in without being sure this is G's dream too. He'd be giving up a lot for this to happen.

August vacation time is getting closer and soon we'll have a week for pony visits and wine tours, and plenty of time to discuss the long term real estate/career plan.

1 comment

  1. Wow, that's so exciting! I'd be already building my dream facility in my head, you are showing a lot of self restraint. Fingers crossed!
