Friday 27 April 2012

A bit of everything

First off, I am loving being able to watch Rolex on the USEF Network. Secondly, production at work was less than stellar this Thurs/Fri. A random coincidence, I'm sure.
I'm all itching to get out eventing now though, and it's not even cross country day yet! I don't think Ginger will be ready this summer, especially with me being a wannabe as well. And the spookiness might be an issue cross country, not sure ;) But I think we're still on track to hit a couple of small dressage shows before I go just to get her out and about.
As it stands, I'm leaving July 1st for home. I do have an option for some work June through December close to home which I might be tempted to take. It's in an area thats an eventing hotspot. The chance to take some lessons with some seriously qualified people would be a dream come true, although I would probably be so intimidated by their credentials I'd be unable to function :) Its a consideration because once I return to my "island" its quite difficult to find reliable instruction and very costly to travel to shows. Of course as far as friends and family are concerned, I'm considering the job because it's an excellent career opportunity with great pay. Nothing at all to do with horses, you see. They are still hoping the horses are something I'll grow out of, so I like to pretend to be all responsible now and then to give them hope.
As far as Ginger goes, she's doing just fine. The weather here has been absolutely terrible- rain, wind, more rain, more wind, and now they are calling for snow tonight. I'm guessing there will be no outdoor riding tomorrow. Sadly, trainer girl is busy the next few weekends taking her prospects to shows, so my private Saturday lessons are a thing of the past. I will, however, be attending the dreaded Monday night group lesson, and will try to schedule a second weeknight lesson.
In general I'm feeling pretty lucky to have so many choices available to me and the wonderful Mr G on my side. He's an animal lover, but would have been much happier in a small house on the ocean with a cat or dog or something. Instead he ends up shoveling poop and mowing pastures. I'm super spoiled and I know it!

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