Thursday 1 June 2023

Progress Is Progress

 No matter how slow.

The past week hasn't been the friendliest of weeks. A few days ago I wrote out an update that sounded more like an airing of grievances than anything coherent, but as so often happens, a few more days passed that brought lots of positive things and life is feeling a bit more balanced again.

 Lest we forget, here are the (condensed) lowlights:

- Ponies both had their annual teeth and vaccines. Sophie had a nasty reaction to either the sedation or the vaccines and was worryingly unwell for a few days. We're also going to treat her for ulcers. The herd bound thing got worse before it got better and I wonder if the stress of me separating them the week before partly led to Sophie having such a bad reaction and this possible ulcer flare up.

- After waiting 4 months, I finally had my MRI appointment to help determine next steps. Or I mean I should have had my appointment. The ferry was cancelled the morning of and I missed my appointment. It doesn't matter what the reason, if you miss an appointment you are put back at the bottom of the waitlist and wait for another letter via snail mail giving you an appointment time and a hopefully not too far away location. On the day, I'm not sure there were enough words for my feelings on our highways, ferries, and healthcare systems. Another 4 months of waiting feels insurmountable, but it is what it is and we'll explore alternate options if need be. 

The highlights:

Sophie has started to come back to her normal self. The sun's been shining. I've been doing a lot of hiking and finally hit that 100km/month goal I had. Bridget's been feeling good. I've been riding (poorly, but with a smile on my face).  Baby pony is looking fancy and adorable and I can't wait to meet him. I've been adopted by a barn cat and I hope she sticks around. House painting is over halfway complete, move in day gets closer all the time.  I have a tentative plan that means a small show season could be in the works. 

All very good things, both in the now, and to look forward to :)



  1. Oh man, I hope Sophie is feeling better soon. That sounds like an ordeal. I smiled though when I read your mention of riding poorly but with a smile on your face. Sometimes it is just the best thing to be up there, no matter how the ride goes, right? And as a feline fan, I am also rooting for your new barn cat to stick around!

  2. I love how you are able to find the positive. It really sucks about the ferry though.

  3. I understand your frustrations with healthcare system. It's an issue we all face from from coast to coast. Would it have stopped us moving to PEI? No, but it does have challenges.
    I am glad to hear that you are regularly riding. Progress is progress, even if it feels like you are going at a snail's pace. I have just started part-boarding an older horse who has schooled up to 3rd level. We mostly walk, but that's ok as we are both rebuilding our strength & stamina and my timing of the aids for the lateral work needs work!
