Thursday 17 March 2016

The Song Remains The Same

It seems that rather than alternating jumping lessons with dressage, we're now doing "dressage week" followed by  "jumping week". This actually makes more sense in that we can focus on concepts a little better and really reinforce things in my head (and Bridget's!)

 Ms Bridget was a little disappointed not to be jumping, but showed up to work anyways. Good pony! We worked on a lot of the same concepts as on Monday, neck rope included. In addition to our leg yields and transitions, we added in some shoulder in on the quarter line at trot, then expanded that concept into canter. Midge was a star, and by thinking shoulder in on the circle I think for the first time we were truly straight in the canter on our 20m circles. Of course we added in some spirals,( because what could possibly go wrong?! )and luck was on my side, pony has the concept and we did our first 10m canter circle ever. It wouldn't have scored great on a test, but the fact she tried and totally has the idea of sitting behind and lifting her shoulders over totally made my day. Go Midget! 

As we walked around on a loose rein after our ride, it also became apparent pony now totally steers off my seat. That's been such a long time coming , it's been sort of there for a while but hasn't been an immediate response thing until this week. I wonder if the neck rope thing has somehow helped her to really make the connection.

Some of my homework this week is self imposed: being very conscious of riding FORWARD into a steady contact - even when I think Bridget is forward and pushing from behind there is another gear in there I should be asking for. 

As for "actual" homework: lots of shoulder in on the quarter line focusing on having pony straight in her neck, but bent slightly through her body.  Bendy pony is very bendy, so straightness is our forever homework. For Monday: practice cantering our jumps on a super straight line of my choosing, insist on a good rhythm, pony working from behind. When I think the canter is pretty slow and powerful, it actually needs to be slower and bigger. We're sort of speed demons these days!

As a quick aside, I've had a few people lately (NOT bloggers, of course) make comments like "Well of course you're having good rides/progressing... you take two lessons a week...I wish I had that kind of money/ must be nice to be you" or "Wow, you have horses, must be nice to afford that lifestyle!" Which would be fine if I DID somehow how some huge bank account and no day job and a miraculous amount of talent. Envy me all you like then! :) But since I don't live that lifestyle, I'm annoyed. Please, could you notice how hard I work instead of assuming I am magically blessed somehow? I normally respond: "Technically, I don't have the time OR money! I love it, so I make a lot of sacrifices and work very hard to afford and budget time for it." But really in my head I'm thinking "Wake up! Don't assume others are somehow luckier or wealthier than you! If you REALLY want it, get to work, make it happen! Stop making excuses!" But since that would violate several of my self imposed barn etiquette rules I stick with answer option A and keep my head down and keep on working


  1. 10 meter canter circles are legit!! Way to go!

    1. I won't lie, I felt kinda bad ass after we made that happen :)

  2. Man, it's so exciting to hear about how much you guys are progressing. I'm so happy for you!!

    1. Aww, thank you! Loving that you and Miles are having good times again, too!

  3. Woohoo for another great lesson! Katai also has the bendy pony problem so I feel your pain ;)

    1. It's ironic, right? Years and years of focusing on getting horsey to bend around your leg, then suddenly you get this green pony and all the moves you ever wanted are just magically there...waiting to be used against you!

  4. Yay for a great ride. Don't you just love it when your horse tries :)

    1. Best feeling ever is when you feel like you're an actual team with your horse :)

  5. Sorry to hear people are being butt-faces... I can't stand when people interject and make assumptions about people's financial situations... Gah. Now I'm irritated for you!

    1. It's all good. I'm probably a little too sensitive to it! It's just so opposite to my whole outlook on life - YOLO, nothing comes free, work hard to achieve your dreams and all that :)

  6. We here that comment from people all of the time. Or, my other favorite, "it must be so nice that you don't have to work because of the Lyme disease." Just...what?! Sigh. At least you know how much work you put into it, and we know too. And you guys are just doing so well!

    1. What is wrong with people?! I love the blogging community partly because it seems full of smart, positive, determined people who are out there making the best of life (yourself included, obviously!)

  7. As another person who definitely doesn't live "that" kind of lifestyle - I'd like to say that your dedication and hard work definitely comes through loud and clear!! And, what's more - it is *so exciting* to see it paying off to well for you!! Yay for straight balanced ponies who steer off your seat!!!

    (Also I kinda love the idea of jump week and dressage week rather than just alternating days)

    1. Honestly, even if I did live that kind of lifestyle, I'd have been insulted...horses are one of those things where all the advantages in the world won't help you if you don't also put a lot of hard work in :)
