Monday 1 February 2016

Unexciting Updates

First off, thank you for all the positive stories and kind wishes, they do make me feel a lot better!

Ginger thanks you too, she does not enjoy it when I'm worried/sad:

I talked with the vet again this weekend and she called another vet for a second opinion. The other vet had some reservations about things. His concerns: There was a virus that went around the barn late October. While this could have been the trigger for the COPD, it could also mean a lingering bacterial infection aggravating things. The first vet didn't scope because she didn't have the equipment, second vet would prefer to have that done so we can see what's going on. We do not live in an area with a regular vet or equine vet hospital so he's comfortable trying Ventipulmin and seeing how that goes. He advised against Dex due to the side effects and his above mentioned concern that there might be a secondary issue requiring treatment. Both vets are fairly confident we are dealing with COPD, apparently it's been the "worst year ever" for it. Maybe the virus was the trigger/is complicating things though.

B's cough was worse yesterday, but her levels of sass were more than I've ever seen. My idea of having her walk around on the longe didn't mesh with her idea of leaping and bucking and generally being a disrespectful idiot. PiccoloPony, that sass Katai sent was received loud and clear :)

My understanding is we are going to start  Ms B on Ventipulmin just as soon as we can get it mailed to us. I'm wondering if we should be proactive with antibiotics, but I'll have to chat again with the vet - I think we are still waiting for some lab results.

In other news, the plague virus I caught is actually pneumonia. (Fun fact: I have really crappy lungs and allergy induced asthma as well, so Midge and I are a perfect team!)  So, life in this corner of the world is going to be a little slow while myself and the pony recuperate from our respective plagues.

"Bring out yer dead!" (Sorry, I couldn't resist):


  1. sheesh, what a mess for all of you. good luck getting it all sorted out and here's hoping Bridget starts feeling better pronto! (tho apparently she's already feeling plenty spice...)

    1. lol, Bridget says she's feeling just fine, thank you very much :)

  2. I've been quiet lately dealing with life. Sorry to hear life is being tough on you. :(. Hope something great and wonderful is headed your way.

  3. Here's to better breathing for the both of you!

  4. You pony's sass made me giggle. Apparently I'll need to tell Katai to tone down the sass she's sending a little hehe

    1. Yes please! I need to hack her at some point and I'd really like to stay in the saddle :)

  5. Hope you both feel better!
