Saturday 5 December 2015

So Busy

And about to be busier! Look who's here:

Ginger arrived safe and sound last night and settled in really well. I was a little worried about her because we are in the midst of some big storms, but apparently new barns aren't scary when the only other option is to stand out in torrential rain and hurricane force winds :)

When I arrived at the barn this morning, the weather was still truly awful. I was surprised to see the lights on and the parking lot full. Our barn is dedicated! One of the barn girls already had Ginger in the arena for a try out, and apparently pony managed to keep her brain in her head in the new surroundings even with the wild weather. I was in time to see EC get on and pick a fight with Ms Ginger, since Ginger immediately attempted to default to her "OMG I don't know you and I'm scared/never been ridden before" routine. I was disappointed to say the least - pony normally goes way more nicely than that! Ginger realized the game was up pretty quickly but didn't really settle in. She still really does need to know you before she offers anything up easily. I didn't ride and honestly don't have any plans to at the moment. I'm having fun with Ms Bridget and leaving Ginger in the capable hands of EC and her students. I'll take her out on the trails and longe her in the arena, but for now I'll leave the hard stuff to those more dedicated than myself :)

Ginny's mane is really long right now, very wild mustang. I combed it out the best I could today, but I think it needs to go. I know some people love long manes, but I'm not one of them - she has a nice neck and the crazy long mane makes it look short and thick.

As for Bridget, I had a really rotten ride on her last night, and an OK one today. That is until we cantered, and then it was awesome and best ride of the week. The ring is obviously very wet, and while the footing is still great, cantering did lead to a lot of water splashing around. Midge thought that felt weird and was really lifting her legs and her belly/back up. We were essentially faking a really fancy collected canter, since it was well beyond anything I can actually ask for on purpose right now. It felt kind of awesome :)


  1. She has a beautiful mane!! I prefer them shorter too, but in the winter I'm too lazy. Maybe you could find Ginger a leasor (who might eventually want to buy her)... :)

    1. That's kind of the plan, although I may relist her early in the year. Right now we just see how it goes... :)

  2. Shorter manes are the way to go. Hope things work out. ♡

    1. I think they'll be just fine. I'm a little sad tonight that this situation/barn/coach didn't come into our lives to help us sooner, but can't really complain since I'm having such fun with Bridget!

  3. I'm also a big fan of the shorter mane. Gavin's is actually roached. Good luck finding someone for Ginger :) I'm sure you will!

  4. ha that's funny about bridget being so expressive with her canter bc of the puddles! exciting about Ginger's safe arrival - hopefully she settles in more fully soon!
