Sunday 16 February 2014

Good News/Bad News


Ex Forester/Park Ranger turned GIS Tech has been offered a contract for a mapping project with Alberta Parks. If ever a job was meant for someone...


Even though I wanted to take a good long break, I made the decision yesterday to leave in two weeks for a 6 month contract...

Which brings us to the good news/bad news thing. Career wise, this is excellent news, and almost exactly what I want to be doing. I wasn't really looking and heard about it through an ex co-worker who recommended me. That also makes me feel happy - it's nice to feel that I'm appreciated and valued in my work. Personally though, it really stinks telling your honey on Valentines Day that you've been offered a job in another province. G, because he is awesome and all about long term planning (there really is a method to all this madness, I promise!), is happy and totally supportive. Cheap direct flights between here and there are also helpful.

Horse wise, it's also a good news/bad news sort of thing. I'll be quite sad to say goodbye to the horses at the therapeutic riding barn, but the good news is I am welcome to come back for the fall program. And of course, there is Ginger. Ginger will stay here. Stressy mare is content at the barn here, and I couldn't be happier with the barn as well, so here she stays. I have a trusted friend who'd like to trail ride her now and then, so really it's Ginger's ideal life. That's the bad news (for me, at least - I'm sure Ginger will be quite pleased!). The good horsey news is that I will be based out of a major centre with all sorts of really excellent barns. G is encouraging me to "live it up" and take full advantage of the riding opportunities available there. We have some pretty major plans and expenditures coming up in the fall, so I'm going to forget being a responsible adult for a few months and spend a good part of my income on some of those things on my horsey bucket list.

Finally, I need to do a shout out to Mona at Panic and The Pony. I was feeling super discouraged about my upcoming hiatus and the resulting lack of progress with Ginger, and her last post served as a friendly reminder that there's really no rush to get anywhere :)


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