Ginny arrived at noon today. Mr G and I went for a walk on the beach this morning and I was driving him nuts monitoring the ferry's progress across the water ;)
She hopped off the trailer looking pretty good after such a long journey. She settled right into her paddock and everyone was commenting on how quiet she is. I said just wait a bit, she's probably tired :)
The hauler said she was super quiet and well behaved and loaded well the entire trip. That made me feel better, because I was worried she'd be uptight and stressed. I'm going to head back up later this evening and give her a good grooming (5min trip to the barn now- so exciting!), then get her out for an easy walk around the new neighborhood tomorrow.
Her mane is a mess -she rubbed part of it out early this spring trying to reach for grass through the fence- it's now at the length where it looks like a mohawk :) I'll see if I can tidy it up a bit. It's going to be so nice to pop in at the barn anytime I want and not have to feel like I need to rush and get everything done all at once.
Embarrassing G by taking pictures of Gingers ferry arriving - such a touristy thing to do ;)
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