Thursday 28 December 2023

Year End Check In

 I was pondering a full year in review type post, but you’ve all been so supportive, invested, and encouraging through the last roller coaster of a year that it feels kind of unnecessary to write out a full recap. It feels like there was a virtual barn family who were all right there with me, and for that I’m both humbled and appreciative.

To wrap up the year, I’m feeling so much better. Back surgery will still be a thing at some point in this lifetime, but everything has stabilized so surprisingly nicely on its own that it’s no longer an emergency. Currently any pain or mobility issues are minimal, even with me being back to normal riding and activity levels.

Sophie also feels great. There’s the odd day that keeps me buying those ulcer supplements, but she’s happy and healthy and so much easier to keep weight on. She’s way less anxious. I miss Bridget, but their intense attachment was doing Sophie no favours. 

Bridget is of course doing well, I saw over the holidays that Santa visited her in her lease home and brought her Christmas presents, something that never happened here ;)

Buck and Reggie - zero regrets over bringing the both of them home. They play non stop and I can’t imagine the struggle that would have been trying to keep just one that entertained and busy all day. They couldn’t be more different from each other, either, which is wonderful - it balances things nicely. 

The house and property: we made huge progress there this year, but there’s a lot more to be done. I can’t check moving in off my list quite yet, but the ponies are of course all nicely settled and I’m really enjoying having them “home”. The next big horse related project is to finish the riding arena, which I’m very excited for.

See you in 2024!




  1. It was a year of change to be sure. Here’s to 2024.

  2. Happy new year, here's to good health and pony adventures galore in 2024!!
