Saturday 21 March 2020


Our provincial and federal organizations have advised equestrian facilities have to do their part too, so effective yesterday all non essential people at the barn are not permitted. I'm reading the rules and I'm still OK to go since I feed in the evenings and muck out, plus it's a tiny private barn so it's a grey area. Still, I think we're all responsible to follow the spirit of the rule and if the ask is for essential people only, you're just going to see me making one trip there a day for feeding time.

Bridget is working hard mowing the grass

Our equestrian club grounds are closed, but they amended that to possibly allow one person there using the outdoor arena at a time. I imagine that's pretty low risk and I'd wipe gate handles down should I decide to go, but for now I'm going to wait until they have a more solid plan to schedule people and confirm things with their insurance.

There's always trail riding...I thought that was my in to keep us active, but I think everyone has the same idea because literally everyone and their dog was out yesterday on a Friday morning and on trails we never see a person on. There were groups of people, dogs, kids everywhere. Given how narrow the trails are and no one leashing dogs, it was super awkward to maintain any kind of safe distance (horse and virus wise) so I'm not quite sure what to do...we ran into two separate groups of people who were making fun of the whole social distancing thing and laughing at me for trying to give them space. I just don't even know what to think about that, especially as the worst offenders seem to be the people you'd think would be the most vulnerable.

The weather has been gorgeous, though

So, I'm thinking we're on a riding intermission. A part of me is very sad to not be utilising this time at home to get some more miles on Sophie, but in the big picture it's a small price to pay for doing our part to keep everyone a little bit safer.

Burning off some steam last night

I'm working from home at my "real job"  for the foreseeable future, but that job at the therapeutic riding barn is probably going to be put on hold soon until the new school year. It sounds like they're just going to end the spring session early and put the horses out for a spring/summer break.

I hope you're all doing well. I'm an introvert at heart, so to be honest the working from home and virtual meetings are a dream come true. The most challenging thing so far for me has been the limited horse time and frustration with people for doing dumb things. So, life as normal, really. ( I'm a terrible human ;)



  1. Glad you are able to work from home! I'm doing the same... I LOL'd at your last paragraph - that is totally me too! My sis in law was ticked off that we didn't want to go to her place to help her with something (her and her hubby and her 4 kids were all home and her teenagers had been out at parties,etc.!) Some people! Sheesh.

    1. I was in the yard gardening yesterday and the nosy neighbour wandered over. My husband told her politely we're isolating and she was like "oh so am I, I have terrible asthma...blah blah blah spent last week in the hospital blah blah blah". We finally got her to leave, but wow, there's no helping some people.

  2. I feel like I'm in much the same boat as you. I'm not going to the barn right now because the person who rents the apartment above the barn has some symptoms so I'm just not willing to risk being there. I will go check on her, hopefully, about once a week and just avoid the barn and walk out into the pasture. I think I have a spare hoof pick somewhere so I can clean out her feet and do a once over plus drop off supplements. If that stops feeling safe for any reason I won't even do that.

    1. I've been going once a day later at night to check on them. The barn owner is wonderful, but older and forgetful. I put them on pasture a few days ago so in theory if I can't make it for a few days they'll be fine, even if they miss out on the odd vitamin/mineral portion. Fingers crossed the tenant at your barn is OK and it's a false alarm.

  3. I feel the same, I went out with my horse, and saw ppl hanging out in groups, talking over fencelines with kids and grandparents. 10 young boys hanging out at a bus stop on their first school-free day. Kids playing soccer. WTH. I'm doing my best and am annoyed by people who don't take measures. I cancelled Star Trek night with a friend and she doesn't get it, she said she's not afraid and doesn't want to talk about it at all with me. So, just, no Star Trek for her. Nonchalant is not a strong enough word, but I see it again and again.

    1. Everyone seems to be having beach and yard get togethers here, especially the elderly...I was walking by and overheard one of our elderly neighbours having a get together in their yard, all complaining they can't meet at the coffee shop because the govt closed it due to the virus so they're meeting at each other's houses instead. I'm so worried for them.

  4. Yeah. Lots of eye-rolling around here as well. The angel part of me hopes they never find out how dangerous their behavior is. The horrible part of me ... I'll stop now.

    1. The person who gave me the nasty cold two weeks ago popped in to work that one day because she was flying out to Hawaii the next. She had a plan to hide her symptoms at the border and on the plane. While I'm sure it was "just a head cold" there really are no words.

  5. I would say that people were doing okay here but then it seems that they are all heading to the beach and not maintaining social distance.

    1. Same here. I used to read books about the plague or see historical movies with people getting diseases and just think it was too bad they didn't have modern science and if only they knew they could have been saved. Now, I'm not so sure...we know it's coming, we know people will die, we kow how to prevent or at least slow it...and yet?!

  6. But seriously, why is it that the people mocking the distancing are the most at risk? I really don't get it and it is happening here, too.

    1. It's so bad! I'm really worried for them. I've now actually started telling people I am sick so they will (hopefully) stop trying to visit or otherwise get in my space. Even though I am healthy and fine I'm so worried I could unknowingly pass something on to them or someone else at risk.

  7. So many dogs were out for walks in my neighborhood and I felt cheated that these dogs are hidden from me normally!

    1. Right?! I live at the end of a road where a busy hiking trail starts. Working from home I see all the happy people and cute dogs parading past my window all day :D
