Monday 4 February 2019

Small Wins - January

I've certainly turned a corner on the whole getting back to feeling good path, but January had a couple of major personal developments and resulting setbacks. I have to admit a lot of January was simply an exercise in putting one foot in front of the other. I feel a bit lost, but I have started to make some small plans for the future and so it seems I am slowly finding a path forward I want to take.

And so, my small wins for the last month are smaller than ever, but I feel like the effort put in to achieve them was substantial and therefore I will be proud of them :)

My small wins for January include:

- Signing up for a clinic. I knew this would force me to stay consistent in my riding and Bridget's fitness.
B's getting chunky again.

- Renewed all my equestrian memberships. Keeps me involved and encourages me to participate in horsey events.

- 30 days of yoga challenge. I stuck with it, even on the days I really didn't want to. And I'm definitely less stiff and sore and a little bit stronger too. It was tempting to take a break Feb 1st, but I started a new one and I'm going to keep the momentum going for another month - I really do think it's helping my riding and general wellbeing.

- Pitchfork repair. LOL, duct tape actually worked!

Bonus style points for purple owl tape?

- Sophie. I had plans, and I let them slide. So, she got a good grooming, a short walk around the property, and lots of treats a couple of times a week and beyond that has just been running around growing up. She was also SUPER for the farrier on her last appointment. That's all a win, because truly, as a two year old, growing up and being reasonably good to handle is all she really needs to be doing right now.

Loves ear scratches

- Bridget. Has been getting out riding 3-4 times a week, and is feeling pretty good. My distraction with other things is actually making our rides really quite positive and good. I'm less apt to be so focused on trying to make everything 'correct' and I'm learning that might actually be a good thing!
B's friends are adorable.

- My fitness/health. In addition to yoga, I've been hiking 3 days a week, usually for a couple of hours at a time. Sometimes with my husband, sometimes with a pony, sometimes we all go together. I'm also back to counting calories and restricting the eating out to once a week.
Sophie always comes running, so there are no long pasture walks for exercise for me.

- Financial planning. I got a small raise Jan 1st and took inspiration from other bloggers (most recently, Cob Jockey) and sat down and used that raise to create savings accounts with auto deposits for some of the big expenditures I'd like to make. I've now got a savings account accruing a bit of money every paycheque for tack and training for Sophie, and a further separate one for a trailer. After a lot of back and forth, I've simply decided to buy a new trailer because they hold their values so well around here. And so, I'm saving pennies. It's not much, but every bit that I can save and pay cash for helps and I feel a lot more positive about making all the things happen in a reasonable time frame.



  1. Sounds like January was very productive (those wins sound big to me, especially the 30 days of yoga!). :)

    1. On paper, it does look like I did so much. It's weird how I feel the opposite?!

  2. You did far better with January than I did! Well done.

  3. Reading this kind of post is so inspiring! Look how clean Sophie is! Bridget still looks great, wow, that neck. Do Welsh stallions actually have MORE? *lol*

    1. Bridget's neck is thick, even for a welsh. Some of the stallions are insane! I'll do a waterless shampoo review soon!

  4. Agreed that those wins don’t sound all that “small” to me either ;) congrats on keeping on with one foot in front of the other, those small steps have a way getting us to pretty cool places in time!

  5. So many wins. I'd say lots of big ones, too! I especially admire how you're keeping up with your yoga momentum! Mine has been erratic at best lately. I'm going to get on my mat shortly though - you've inspired me. =)

    1. Every.single.morning I wake up and am like "Ughhh.Yoga. I should skip it." Then I do it and I feel so good!

  6. oh yes new trailer definitely SO WORTH It in the long run. And yay on both Sophie and B looking good and you getting so fit. I don't call them small wins at all but simply wins. You make me look like a sloth:) Congrats on your raise!

    1. Thank you! I'm such a nervous nellie when I trailer, I feel like at least if it's new and I know the maintenance history that eliminates some of my bigger trailering worries.

  7. Congrats on your small wins! I hope February treats you easier :)

    1. February seems like a kinder month, so far...more daylight and sunshine at least!

  8. You also did way better than me in January. It’s been a rough month! Good for you for still getting things done.

    Also, I’ve also decided to buy a new trailer. I figure between the ease of re-sale and the lack of maintenance it’s the smarter way to go!

    1. Yay! I will 100% support your new trailer goals! I kept running the numbers and yeah, at least with the resale around here it's cheaper to buy new and have minimal maintenance for a few years.

  9. Yes, you got this! January was a rough month that I was sure would NEVER end, so major kudos to you for making it through!

    1. Thank you for the pep talk! I needed a smile today :)

  10. I can hardly believe January is over.

    1. I felt like it was never going to end!

  11. Well done!! They may seem like "small" things, but holy you got lots done!!

    Congrats on the raise as well :)

    1. It's a little raise, but I'll take anything! :)

  12. Great job! And thanks for the reminder, I need to renew my memberships too.
