Sunday, 15 April 2018

A Non Update Update!

Hey, guess what I did with the horses this week?



So exciting!

B protesting her tiny turnout, and that her current neighbour is Sovie. The horses will all be happy when the ground finally dries out and they can go back out in the pastures. B more than most, she feels the need to try to challenge Sovie to pony dance offs, which is exhausting I'm sure.

A combination of truly horrendous weather, more work than I expected, things going a bit wrong, and other priorities meant just getting the chores done was where it was at for me. This is the first time I've had  even a few days off riding in ages, let alone an entire week!  Although truthfully if I had prioritized things differently I might have found time. I know I spend too much time grooming and being fussy about the cleanliness of their stalls and buckets :)

Standing tied patiently while I do chores and clean her stall and paddock. Good baby.
On the plus side, I checked a lot of the more mundane things off the list for a while...grain supplies are all topped up and measured out, hay is restacked and organized (I bought alfalfa to mix with Bridget's timothy for growing Sovie, requiring some Tetris skills to organize in my limited space at the barn!) Both horses had their spring deworming, and both donated additional winter fluff to my brushes and are looking a little more tidy.

I've caught a bit of the flu as of this morning, so no riding today, either. I've been rereading some of my favorite baby horse training books instead. Sovie is still quite young and teeny tiny, so we obviously won't be starting her under saddle this year or likely even next, but there's no reason she can't learn to ground drive later this summer.

As for Bridget's plans this year, I'm still on a time out to think. My personal goals remain the same, but my goals for Bridget are being reevaluated. I've made a few decisions and had a couple of good talks with the right people, but I'll recap those next time. I can confirm that we're planning on having fun by attending a local gymkhana day in a couple of weeks. Eek!


  1. I hear ya... I have to clean the paddock up from the winter mess still, but there is still so much snow and ice I can't get much done. I am not looking forward to the week-long poop-picking extravaganza headed my way!

  2. Ooohh gymkhana sounds fun!
