Friday 2 December 2016


Bridget and I are like an old married couple.

I went to catch her last night and she was like 'Nope. I am still mad at you." She's apparently got a history of being difficult to catch, but fingers crossed, this was the first time she'd tried it with me. Mares. I caught her in very short order. I could be imagining things, but it seemed more like she just wanted to let her feelings be known rather than actually not wanting to come into the barn for a visit.

Pre ride, I switched up her bridle and went from the current eggbutt snaffle back to the loose ring french link she used to tolerate. Couldn't hurt, right?

When I got on, she was immediately thinking forward. To the point that forward was the new answer to every request?! I called truce and just let her be - so what if the bend wasn't as great as I would have liked or the canter was a bit rushed. I'll take that over the previous night's deciding not to move at all!

She's still very fussy in the contact, but I forced myself to be patient and give the bit change a chance. There was some moderate success, so I think we'll stick with it and see if it might be part of the key to getting back to a happy place.

Left lead walk to canter was still not the best. She thought about things overnight apparently and got herself a little worked up over it. Instead of dealing with 'Don't wanna move!' it was more 'Can't wait, I got this, let's do this thing now!!' *gets self in a muddle and forgets how her legs actually work. Offers multiple counter canter and random lead changes. Gets worried she's in trouble again* So, lots of repetition, and lots of changes through walk, so I could tell her how fantastic her collected walk and that right lead transition is amongst our multiple tries for a relaxed left transition. We found a happy place to end on, and fingers crossed, we've found a good place to compromise. I don't know what has prompted the recent lack of confidence in making a left lead canter transition, but we'll figure it out. I've said it before, but I think I need to remind myself again: for all her confidence and opinions she really is a sensitive little thing and quite the worrier.  Once she gets herself organized the canter itself is lovely, but the initial stride or two are a bit of a muddle and she's reverted back to wanting to be counterbent. I tried with and without my reins in case it's rider error (I do love to hang on the inside rein now and then), but I didn't notice any difference. She's up to date on everything but it's been a year since the saddle fitter visited, so we'll get that checked again just in case....last time we were having similar issues her saddle needed the flocking adjusted a little.



  1. Ugh, I get into the same cycle with Miles! I have to remind myself that Romeo wasn't built in a day -- things take time. AND sometimes Miles is having a bad day and getting something positive accomplished is better than arguing over accomplishing my specific plan for that day.

    1. Relationships of all sorts require so much compromise! Hard for me when I am so independent and motivated. Maybe I needed to play more team sports as a kid lol

  2. I love how they seem to think about and learn from the last ride. Even if sometimes it leads to an exaggerated change ;)

    1. Bridget tends to be super disagreeable, then come out the next ride and be an overachiever. It's like she forgets how much arguing sucks!luckily, the highs and lows seem to be levelling out as she matures (and I get better at riding her!)

  3. i've said it before and i'll say it again (and i'm pretty sure you've said it too lol) - sometimes the similarities between Midge and Iz are uncanny. seems like you found a really solid middle ground where you could keep working while still rewarding the pony for her efforts (somewhat misguided tho they may have been lol). nice job!!

    oh and isabel would totally sometimes just walk straight to the back of the field when she saw me coming. it wasn't so much as playing hard to catch, since she'd stop once she reached the verrrrry farthest corner.... but she was definitely making a point about it lol.

    1. Yes! I used to read your Izzy updates and be so sympathetic. Curious you ended up buying an adorable gelding, no? ;)

  4. I'm glad that a truce is in the works. Could her teeth be bugging her?

    1. She had a check up and a minor float in October, but it's a thought to get a second opinion if this continues.

  5. "forced [your]self to be patient" that is the real work!
