Thursday 22 January 2015

Thanks, Midge!

We're back on track, or at least I hope we are, it's been a couple of weeks without any epic pony meltdowns.

Rock star portrait. Also about as regal and dramatic as Bridget gets. You can't win them all.
Fingers crossed, we're back to having a go button. We're also back to being able to communicate with each other, which is a useful development.

We have had a couple of scheduling conflicts the last couple of weeks and haven't been able to get to any lessons. It's been a blessing in disguise, since it forced me to think for myself and address some of the issues we've been having lately.

This mane is an issue. It is double sided and will not grow any longer than this and has a ton of short broken  hairs! Braids here I come.
We've been having some really positive and encouraging rides the past two weeks. I've taken a step back to reinforce some of the basics and she's been so much better and happier. I think we maybe got a little lost and absorbed in some training approaches that are not really working for either of us. Luckily, our coach is pretty laid back and I think will be open to a chat about what's not working for us.

This week, I've been working on getting tense giraffe pony to stretch down and relax. I talk about how sensible Midge is, but she's not dull, and pretty big on internalizing the world's stresses. I'm sure you've all ridden a horse that rarely reacts strongly or puts a foot wrong, but still 'feels' tightly wound? That's her. There are a few humans out there like that too, I'm sure :)

The results of Project Stretchy Pony? It must feel good to stretch all those tight muscles because she's addicted to it! I'm really happy to be able to add that tool to the toolbox - she moves out so well after and it's proving to be very useful when she starts to feel 'stuck'.

I love her "WTF just happened to me?" look from after today's ride/



  1. Stretchy pony project sounds awesome! I am a big fan of stretchy work, it's just convincing my pony that it's worthwhile that's the problem!

    1. Ginger thinks it's a waste of time and it kind of fell off my radar a bit. So glad I tried it with Midget!

  2. That last photo is adorable, what wonderful breakthroughs you've made. Hopefully trainer has more tips and tricks to help keep you on this positive upwards cycle ☺

    1. We're taking a little trainer vacation to figure things out, but I think she'll really be able to help us when we're a little farther along!

  3. haha i love her expression in the last pic!! glad you're finding an approach that works - i definitely know what you mean about getting caught up in one method that isn't working too. (and i also need to get more stretching into our rides too... ms thing much prefers to be 'stuck', as you say)

  4. Cute, cute photos.
    I know the feeling too. I often get stuck using 'tools' that work for others but have yet to work for us. I keep on truckin' in hopes something will click ... then I listen to pony and realize just a little tweak to the original idea does wonders. Good for you for finding that tweak!

    1. I need to remember if it doesn't make 100% perfect sense to me or feel perfectly right, there's not much of a chance I'm going to be able to teach it to baby pony :)
      Simple is good!

  5. I'm glad you guys have been having some positive rides :)
