Wednesday 10 June 2020

Setting Goals

This spring, setting goals is probably living dangerously. But, it seems I must be needing some structure in my life because goal setting seems like a legit activity for today. (Though perhaps at the end of the day we'll end up filing this in the category of 'Wishful Thinking'. Attending events and buying more ponies, how much wine did I consume last week? lol)

Anyway, in spite of the opinions of my husband and a few of you pony enabler blog readers out there right now the thing that feels right for me is to work with what I've got.


There's a food baby in there, not an actual foal

- We really need to get on top of her fitness/COPD. Vet visit is still on for next week and I'm getting very nervous. While her coughing isn't as apparent and I've been giving her some OTC 'meds', some days she's short of breath just walking (no rider) on flat surfaces. Fingers crossed hard a refill of the prescription stuff does the trick for this flare up and she'll be happy for riding a few more years yet. Basically she means everything to me so she needs to live a healthy life forever :)

-  Other than that pretty significant negative, she's looking great on just pasture and vitamins and is bright and cheerful hanging out there. She's quite enjoying her job of informal Sophie babysitter. So we're winning there.


- Also looking fantastic. Finally, at 4 years old she's filled out enough to get an idea of what she might mature to. She's bum high again, but she's got a butt at least now, and some muscling starting through her chest and topline. I've added some alfalfa cubes and spirulina to her diet and I think it's helping, so I'm going to continue with that. I also need to start researching now the best way to give her unlimited hay this winter given our boarding arrangements (compressed hay in a net in her shelter?)

- I've been good about getting her off property 4 -5 times a week the past two weeks. Continue that intent, even if some days  it's just taking her up to the barn for a grooming or a visit to the round pen.

- She's still a bit of a jumpy, spooky little thing. She's quite brave when it comes down to it and never refuses what I ask, but I could work and research on keeping that initial startle response minimal. The little jumps in place and quick refocusing to me are great given how dramatic she used to be...but they are still not are not going to be my favorite thing to ride constantly. Something to pick cowboy trainer's brain about.

- Cowboy trainer clinic in July?

- Remeasure with proper measuring stick. I think she's grown.

- Make a suitable plan for continuing under saddle work with Sophie. This is less an issue with Sophie and more me needing to respect Covid/hospital considerations and my husband's availability to spot us and his concerns re: safety. Maybe this means sending her out, maybe just long lining for time being, maybe push out until timing is better.

Bridget last week: How can she possibly go on the bit when she's got to look cute for the camera?

- Keep up level of activity. Working from home has made it so easy to get out for lunchtime trail walking and running from our house, and of course get out to the barn daily. I can go for proper hikes with my husband on a regular basis now too. It feels really, really, nice. I struggle with sitting still for any length of time so this new more flexible working situation suits me well. To do: Finish up plan/proposal for long term work from home schedule.

- Weight. Despite all the hiking and walking and portion watching, the extra weight creeps off so, so slowly. Horse relevant because Future Me would never jump or event either pony seriously at my current weight and maybe that's something I'd want to do.  Need to focus more that I am doing the right things and progress is happening. I need to be patient rather than just hating on my body and my previous self for not managing it better.

- Stay positive, delve back into mindset books and resources. I've been feeling pretty down on myself/my riding and that accomplishes nothing.

- Trailer! Have final money saved for purchase, make list of what I want to look at. Organize trip to interior of province later summer to pick up when hopefully travel restrictions are less of a concern.



  1. These sound like good goals!

  2. I can sympathize with you on the starting the baby with the pandemic. My half cob GRP turned three today and between me moving in January, her not joining me until March, and then not being able to see her for over two months messed up my whole grand plan. Best of luck with Sophie :)

  3. Lots of room to be able to achieve these even in these crazy times.
