Sunday 24 March 2019

A Week In 36 Hours

I'm usually the most spoiled of people. My work schedule is adapted to allow me lots of time at my home a ferry ride away. Its the best of both worlds - a big(ger) city job, plus a west coast lifestyle and a home in one of the last areas that doesn't require you to be a multimillionaire. This past week, though, I had a number of projects on the go and only got a 36 hour weekend turn around at home.

Never fear, I still fit a surprising amount of horse time in! Since I was on the super early Saturday morning ferry I actually had 4 days worth of paddock cleaning done by the time I normally am just showing up at the barn.

Cloudy sunrise on the ferry

Bridget is loving her new and improved giant paddock, so I was half tempted to leave her, but I rode and am glad I did. Spring has sprung and the arena finally lost it's snow cover and we had a good ride. B feels weak and out of shape. Pretty much everything is happening on "vacation time" and not as sharp as I'd hope, but hey, that's my head space too.

B got sweaty so I walked her home and she posed for photos.

I'm grateful for a friend who randomly commented that B is looking really good, and that she's in impressive shape given our surprisingly wintery winter. It's nice to have an outside perspective, particularly as my friend's horse is naturally quite athletic and usually in far better shape than Bridget! I certainly wasn't pushing B at all and was doing a lot in walk, but I got in a zone and ended up working longer than the lessons also taking place. I was happy that we put in a solid 45min and B was still feeling good so I do think we're at a decent starting point to building back up. All those walking miles on the trail all winter honestly got boring to me, but they do help, I guess.

Bareback neighbourhood wandering on a sunny morning.

I'm all excited for spring, so I went home and spent the rest of the afternoon in the garden. I must be getting old, because I really love gardening now and every year it slowly takes over a bit more of my free time. Sneaky garden!

Spring is here...The grass in Bridget's winter paddock is getting greener every day!

Sunday, I rode Bridget again (just a light 45min walk/trot hack on the trail) and got her all set up for my work week ahead (only 3 days away this week, thank goodness). I ordered hay and stacked it, as well as grain for both girls. B eats practically nothing, but with Sophie returning to semi self board I need to stock up - she's got a tb metabolism and eats an incredible amount for a pony.

Growing baby! I really need to measure her again. The other weekend I was saying Bridget seemed smaller than I thought, but rather than Bridget shrinking, I think the more likely truth is that Sophie has grown and my reference points are all messed up :D

Sophie got just the one visit at her farm this week and some hoof trimming practice. Shes feeling a bit rude and sassy, but I'm OK with that...pony boot camp is coming soon and she'll have plenty to do this summer.


  1. The sunshine looks so nice. I love it when spring starts and everything starts to wake up.

    1. I'm one of the few who doesn't mind our incessant rain, but I'm always grateful for sunshine!

  2. Never underestimate the power of "just walking" on a horse's conditioning, right? Glad B is loving her ew paddock and LOL at Sophie's face in that last picture.

    1. "Just walking" may have saved us this winter, it was surprisingly effective! Sophie had been tied "alone" inside for an hour or so at that point, so she was pretty excited I came to say hi :D

  3. Beautiful!!

    So glad you got some well needed pony time in this weekend!

  4. I'm always amazed at how activities I considered "for older people" become enjoyable the older I get - like it's naturally ingrained in us to seek out these activities as time goes by. I'm glad you enjoy your garden and were able to get out there over the weekend!

    1. You may be right. Fingers crossed, so far lawn bowling and bridge aren't on my radar.
