Friday 3 August 2018

Magic Tack, Part 2

First, the magic saddle. Then, in my perusing of all things horse on the internet, I saw what looked like a good bit to try on Midge and saw it was dressage legal, too. I started researching it and other Myler bits. Would one help the extra fussy Midge?

Reading about them on the Myler website, I was definitely getting an infomercial, too-good-to-be-true vibe.


Also, IMO they're not overly cheap for what I perceive the quality to be. Kind of an expensive experiment should B hate it, as she has many other bits I've tried.

Although I was skeptical, it really did look and sound like a bit that would suit B, so I took the plunge and ordered one through the Home Shopping Channel Riding Warehouse. It arrived in record time, and I've ridden in it twice now.
Myler MB33WL. Paying in 3 easy installments of $29.95 and I get a free Ziploc bag to keep it in because I ordered it before the time ran out. Just kidding, it was $89 USD (including a free Ziploc bag and a very large box)

Initial thoughts? Yep, for Bridget at least, it's magical. She's not hiding from the contact, and she's flexing easily side to side when I ask, rather than her previous go to of bracing. Ditto in the transitions - she's more easily forward into the contact and not wanting to brace or hollow as much.

Obviously, our every day basic training issues remain. (It's been hot, so again we struggle with a lack of energy and plenty of reminders are required to keep her up in front of my leg. Also, she's quite heavy and on the forehand in the canter if I'm not really on the ball)  It's not THAT magical of a piece of equipment. But, she likes it, and that alone is worth it and makes my job simpler.

Bridget's level of enthusiasm is never dramatic, but so far this bit seems to meet her standards

Long term, who knows? I'm glad I bought it for where we're at now, though! Plus, a magic bit is still far cheaper than that magic saddle I covet :)



  1. that was a good price for it! Glad it seems to help. I hate buying bits. LOL for that reason you never know.....but glad Ms Bridget does well in it (if it was truly magical we would all be buying one hA)

    1. They're $189 at my local store. So crazy. I'll let you know if I ever find a truly magical one, lol

  2. I started riding Charlie in the myler comfort snaffle (least porter of the mylers) last winter and he does well in it. You can find them for a little bit cheaper on eBay but yea they are usually pricy. Only weird thing with mine is that it’s gotten pretty rusty ....

    1. Is it just me or is the quality on par with the $20 bits? Paying for the design only, I guess. I waffled between the one i bought and the comfort snaffle, but tried this one because I really felt like tongue pressure is not her happy placd and wanted to see what happened if we eliminated it as much as possible.

  3. Just think of it as a stepping stone to bigger magical items!

    1. Right? Money is irrelevant when the tack is magical :D

  4. Ponies can't give you ALLLL the magic :P
    They have to reserve some of it bc they convert it into Pony Evil. Or maybe that's just Spud? hahaha.

    Glad it's working for you guys

  5. I could use a magical bit. Or something. I’m glad she likes it.

  6. Glad the bit worked out! I'm always super nervous about buying bits brand new.

  7. I'm currently on the hunt for the elusive 4 3/4" bit... apparently those are very hard to come by. Who knew it was such an odd size? LOL
