Tuesday 27 February 2018


You might remember: Long ago, in a land far away...

I sent Bridget's dressage saddle in to be reflocked and have the billets replaced.

Just routine repairs and maintenance on a 20 year old saddle. Expected costs - I knew when she checked it after I bought it last year that the flocking was getting hard. I'm still grateful that somehow a short flap, XW 17" County Competitor was out there used and in decent shape when I needed it to be and I didn't need to order a new one for $$$$$. Particularly as the rep obviously didn't have that particular configuration in a demo and it was all a bit of a guessing game as to whether I would actually like it!

I know I complained about how long it was taking for the work to get done. I take it all back. Saddler started work this morning, and took the time to thoroughly check the tree while she had the flocking stripped. Guess whose saddle had a popped rivet in the head plate? Mine, of course. So, now I thank saddle fitter for repairing that at a $60 charge rather than the tree eventually flexing and cracking/breaking and costing time and $$$$ to replace (And, let's be honest, on a $1500 saddle, it's probably not even worth it).

So, a friendly reminder, it's worth it to have a good professional check your saddle thoroughly now and then. I feel like I have a good basic knowledge, but I'm still not doing overly well with my own evaluations of my tack. Remember my very favorite (Stubben - bought brand new) jump saddle that actually had a slightly twisted tree causing the imbalance I thought was a flocking or unbalanced baby horse issue? And, now with this dressage saddle - there was no squeaking or anything to indicate something was happening and if I hadn't wanted it reflocked I'd likely have kept using it until the tree was obviously compromised and likely non repairable.

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