Monday 8 January 2018

Maybe Just Happy

Objectively speaking, Bridget and I sacrificed a lot to move up coast.

Knowledge wise, there are no more weekly lessons, no more trainer rides, no expert help at the barn.

As far as amenities, we waved goodbye to nearly everything you'd hope for. Bridget has a pen with a shelter now. And...that's it. I buy hay and shavings, I clean up, I carry her water out to her via buckets. So long, heated wash bay, laundry, and washroom. Adios, onsite arena. Hasta la vista auto waterers and tack room. Sayanora ready set jump courses.

Just some random pics from the last week

On the plus side, we've gained so much more time with my hubby G - that's worth any barn and living situation compromises right there.

We're forced to hack more, and that's a good thing. There's way better trails here. Speaking of which, we have fantastic trails from our house as well, so I've been getting out for hikes almost every day, and then trail riding at least once a week. This makes me happy.

We've met up with old friends, and made some new ones. But, we don't have to ride with others if we don't want to - there's far more space up here! No more sharing the ring with every other 9-5 worker and all the lesson we have a huge outdoor, and the indoor all to ourselves more often than not.

Being more hands on with Bridget's care means her weight is at a much more appropriate level, (fingers crossed) even without medication.

This might bite me in the a$$ one day, but when I get back from rides, I untack her and let her be free to eat the grass around the barn while I tidy up and put everything away. So far, she's been very trustworthy about sticking close...Worst case, she runs off, but the property is fenced and safe so I'd just look like an idiot.

The best part, for me, (besides actually being at home with G most days!) is the financial aspect. I went from budgeting $1000 a month for all things horses (and often going a couple of hundred dollars over that), to having a grand total of $225 in expenses last month (including the $75 for my clinic lesson). I'm saving my money, and dreams of buying that fancy GRP in the spring are a lot more feasible.

Me and B looking fuzzy mysterious

Ohhh, and barn trailering costs/scheduling? Buh bye. Guess who was discussing buying a trailer and then had the best person ever just offer up their (not currently needed by them) trailer for us to use this spring and summer? This is going to be a great way for me to figure out how often I *really* would use a trailer and whether the investment is a smart one. It's easy for me to say that if I had a trailer I would go everywhere all the time, but will I really, or will I still only head out once every couple of months? :) I'm also going to keep track of all expenses vs what I would have paid others to trailer us and see how the finances shake out. Lucky, lucky me.

She was so happy when I put her in this round pen as a treat - look at all the tiny bits of grass! Where to start?!, lol

Maybe I'll feel differently in the spring when the shows are that much harder to get to (that one extra ferry adds so much travel time, and of course extra cost). My relative lack of recent lessons may also cause some regret later, but for now I'm very, very happy with how things have worked out. Most importantly, I think Bridget is too - her ponytude is shining through more than ever, but in a good way.  99.9% of the time her ears are up and forward and she's running to the gate to meet me - ready for whatever adventures I might point us at.



  1. Aw - this makes me happy! :) I'm so glad everything is going so well.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So happy for you guys <3

    It's kinda funny when you have "less" you are happier. Ironically enough, you and B have a similar situation to me and Annie!!

    1. I think, from reading your blog, that it's nearly identical! :)

  3. This is so great !! Sometimes the fanciest amenities don't mean anything in the face of a really happy simple and workable situation. Seems like B is really enjoying the new place too! Charlie's last barn was definitely way fancier with nicer options for some things but I'm seeing the same thing in him: he's just plain happier at the new place. Go figure!

    1. If the horses are happier, that's really all that matters! Lucky us to have horses loving the more 'rustic' life :)

  4. This has been such a good move for both of you. My experience in using a trailer is that having my own means that I use it much more then I would someone else's.

    1. Normally, I think that might be the case for me, but right now I board so close to 'everything' locally it's just easier (I think) to hack the 15 minutes there and back instead of taking the time to hook up the trailer. If the situation changed, tho, and I boarded further away I'd definitely be using the trailer multiple times a week.

  5. I have a feeling it will all work out well for you guys in the end :)

    1. Crossing fingers hard - getting all the stars to align with career/relationship/horses has been 15 years in the making (so far, lol)

  6. Sounds like a lot more ups than downs that's for sure. I have to give myself at least 3 hours before all my ride times from where I live travel wise but it's worth it.

    1. 3 hours! That's my commute to work right now, and it was my barn commute when B lived there too. The coaching available there really made it worthwhile.

  7. Aw, this is so awesome to read! I'm happy for you that Bridget is doing well and you are enjoying this move.

  8. glad all is going well and everything is aligning. it must be great to be around your hubby more too. (Not to mention the pony too). And the extra money for ferry costs still cant be as bad as how much money you are already saving! YAY.

  9. So many plusses to the move! It sounds like things are going well. I borrowed a trailer for years and it was great;I definitely do more now that I own one though! I'm grateful for the years I spent borrowing, but I'm happier to finally have my own. 😊
