Wednesday 13 April 2016

End Of The Story...Sort Of

As previously hinted, Ginger has found her new home. I procrastinated through this whole process. I guess there is still a part of me that had plans for the adorable big mare.

I received what felt like a million enquiries to my ads this winter/spring, with about 50% of those enquiries being actual interested, real people, and a further 50% of those being legit homes she could go to without me losing sleep for the next 25 years or so. Maybe half of THAT 50% actually had the funds/space available to purchase a horse. Even fewer had the ability to travel to see the pony in person. Still, since we had a million enquiries to start with, that meant about 20 or so legitimately interested parties. (Note to other sellers: be patient, there really are a ton of good homes out there if you weed through all the weird stuff. Note to buyers: Take the time to say a little bit about yourself. Ask relevant questions. When faced with 10+ email and phone enquiries after a long day at work, sellers like me will be much more inclined to respond to you vs the person who obviously didn't read the ad or sent an email consisting of one or two words) The whole time this process played out, Ginger was being ridden by EC and being used in her lesson program. And Ginger just kept getting better and better. More and more reliable, more and more accepting of strangers and just generally a useful horse to have in the barn. She's been out schooling cross country, she's jumping little courses, and she's fun on the flat. She's thriving with the busy routine and all the attention. We discussed raising the price, or maybe keeping her for one of the students to purchase when she has more eventing miles.

Then, we discussed having Ginger just stay where she is. EC likes riding her, the students love her, and Ginger is actually less quirky than what EC is used to dealing with.

So, that's the story of how my big mare found a permanent home with my coach!

I'm still admittedly a bit conflicted and sad about the whole selling my horse thing, but seriously, I'm totally winning right now - could I have asked for a better end to our story? I still get to spoil her with treats and scratches whenever the urge strikes me (which is honestly every day) Also, Ginger will be travelling to all the same shows and clinics as Bridget and I. I suppose I really shouldn't be looking at this as the end of anything - it looks like I will continue to be a (small) part of the adventures of Ginger for a while yet :)


  1. Glad to hear such a fairytale ending xo

  2. What a great resolution! Glad to know she found a happy situation.

  3. Wow! That is a perfect solution! :)

  4. What a great solution and amazing home for her! That's awesome that you still get to see her all the time!

  5. What a wonderful solution for the big mare. I am so glad you will still be in each others lives every time you're at the barn.
    Sorry I have fallen woefully behind on reading your blog, but this is a fab post to have stumbled upon in my feed.

  6. This sounds like pretty much the perfect solution! How wonderful!

  7. What wonderful news! Happy for you :)

  8. What a great ending! It will be great for you to still see her, and watch her succeed :)

  9. Sounds like perfect solution for everyone involved!

  10. What a perfect place to be able to keep an eye on that adorable face.

  11. I really enjoyed this post as someone who is going through the rigamaroll of selling their horse. Great news for me is I'm not in a hurry and I don't financially have to sell my horse, but all the hoop jumping is tiresome and daunting.

  12. That actually sounds like a wonderful home for her - and an easy way to keep an eye on her too!

  13. Yay!!! So happy you still can see her. Sounds like it a worked out really well.

  14. What a great end! So great that you'll still be able to see her and know how she's doing.
