Wednesday 2 August 2023

Changes pending part 2

 I seriously don't know what's got in to me. Years of same old, same old, then suddenly all the different things are happening. It's not even like I was unhappy with the status quo...more it just feels like life wants to nudge me in a slightly different direction and I'm at a place where I'm open to just seeing where it leads.

The big ticket important item in my life, to me, is my husband G. That's a constant. I paid my dues dating a couple of winners before him so I'm extra appreciative of finding my person and he's pretty much stuck with me now, lol. But, the years have flown by and somehow he's retired? That means there are a lot more open doors as far as where we live, where and how much I work, how much free time we have together. In the course of this blog it's literally gone from 'I saw him 6 months ago' to being around each other 24/7. It's fun. I still like him :) 

The relevance to this post is that I think his new lifestyle of just seeing what the day brings, having no schedule, then impulsively going on fun adventures is kind of rubbing off on me. I still like my job, I still like staying super busy and having goals and structure in any given day, but I'm also feeling a lot more open to changing plans and accepting opportunities that fall outside my comfort zone.

In this case that influence manifested itself when it turned out box stall shipping is flat rate, ie the same cost for one weanling as for two. 

I sat on that knowledge for three and a half months. (Really, pause here, and appreciate my self control.)

Then, surprise! This week I said yes to two.

Here he was brand new. He's about a week younger than Mr Trademark

Lest you think I've gone 110% crazy, let me try to rationalize this (to maybe 50% crazy.)

 - It's a long haul from Ontario to BC and it would be good for Tradey (using this name until I finally commit to a barn name for the poor guy) to have a buddy

- It would be good in general for him to have a buddy. I'm not sure Sophie's going to be much of a fan of babies. I think B could be a good babysitter, but she is also not going to want to play. 

- With B most likely being away on a lease all or part of the time, I like the idea of leaving the babies to entertain themselves while I take Sophie away for rides or one gets left behind alone and has to be sad about it.

- We met him and he's just got the best calm, brave, and curious temperament. Momma is essentially a Bridget, so I can see he came by this honestly. I think he could be a helpful friend for Tradey, who's more suspicious and standoff-ish.

- He loves G. Like was obsessed with him. The feeling was mutual. When we drove away G surprised me by asking if we should get him too. Or should we even ask for him instead of Tradey? (Don't judge, he fell hard, lol)

He's so chunky and I love it

I don't think his breeder, Jen, would mind me saying he's not as sporty as Mr Trademark. He's much more of a sturdy traditional all around type. The two of them are quite different. But I think that's a good thing, and both are absolutely perfect in their own right. We all love super fancy, but you know I also have a soft spot for a quality cob that can turn their hooves to anything :)

If that's not a proper welshie face I don't know what is

He has a check mark on his forehead, in case you had any doubts on which one to choose.

He's named Bakari, and G therefore wants to call him Buck/Bucky. Let's not overthink it, and roll with that :)

the shedding foal coats are unfortunate this time of year. He is black, but if he's like his momma he'll sun fade in the summer to more of a dark bay look

Some familiar blogger ponies in there

 I'm excited. On one hand it feels like this is too much all at once and has all spiraled more than slightly out of control, but on the other, this is going to be so much fun.



  1. oooh congratulations!! love the checkmark on his face, he's super cute! also totally get the logic of having two bebes around if you're already planning on having one haha, that's just plain old good horse math ;)

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh I love this so much! Wonderful logic, all the way around. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you (for enabling yet another cob purchase) ;)

  3. OMG HE WAS SERIOUS!! And also I had no idea how this was going to go I read very fast :) HA You are insane (and I totally support this must have more ponies mantra) :) SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND G BOTH! He is adorable (the black pony tho G is adorable too)

    1. G is supposed to be the adult in the room re: buying more ponies, I think we need a new adult.

  4. Oh my god CONGRATS!!!!! I love this logic, and its perfect because TWO BABIES!!!! Gah I'm so excited!!!!

    1. I'm happy they're going to be able to grow up together. I always felt bad for baby Sophie since no one ever wanted to play with her and she found that really frustrating.

  5. Thank the lord someone bought that chunk! I nearly lost my mind when she posted him a couple of weeks back!... and then did you see Quillane's babies?!?! A chestnut chunk and a dreamy palomino colt.

    1. ha ha, as much as we'll officially blame G for this, I loved the look of him and couldn't get him out of my mind either. The Quillane ones are so gorgeous, I have no idea how anyone shopping this year would choose. I need to stop looking and/or filter my social media for a bit...just when I think I've seen the nicest one, another pops up!

  6. This is such cool news! I feel the same way about kittens- it is best to bring them home in pairs when at all possible. I am happy for you and your newly expanded animal family. Sounds like the decision fits in wonderfully with your husband's retirement and the new flow to life that it brings with it. What fun!

  7. Replies
    1. :D I've been told now (very seriously) it's "Buck" but you know we're all going to call him Bucky anyway. G is fighting a losing battle with that one :D

  8. Oh my! I did not suspect this at all. I went through some resentment when my husband retired. It was hard. Of course it’s easy now. 😉

    1. I love reading about all the fun things you're doing in your retirement! I actually am still feeling like I want to work, overall, but there are days where the resentment creeps in. Like this morning, G was texting me cute pictures of ponies, while was in my office looking at a backlog of support tickets from the long more day off would have been nice lol

  9. What a fun adventure! Congratulations on the purchase of a 2nd baby! I foresee you keeping both boys! ♥️

    1. Right? Is there really any chance this ends with Future Me suddenly becoming a responsible adult and selling one at an appropriate age? :)
