Wednesday 27 May 2020


"I'll do that tomorrow, or the next day"

That seems to be how things with the horses are progressing. And this week I really have zero excuses! The indoor arena is open again, the outdoor is nearly finished being resurfaced. The weather has been nice enough and I work from home right now so it's not like I don't have time. I'm getting tons of inspiration via real life friends, youtube vloggers, bloggers, and the internet in general. I want to ride, I NEED to get out...and yet when 5:00 rolls around I have paddocks to clean, hikes I want to go on, dinners I want to cook, gardens and a yard I want to tend to, a house I want to paint. I give the horses a quick grooming, clean the waters and fields, then look at my watch and decide it's time to go onwards to the next thing.

I think it's the initial getting back at it gravity suck that's got me down...Sophie will probably need a week or so of reorientation before we can progress and Bridget needs a good bit of conditioning after having a pretty slack spring. Not to mention my riding muscles are out of practice! No time like today...or tomorrow, apparently.

I've not been totally idle, though. This week I've negotiated a long term work from home arrangement with my employer, which will see me traveling down to the office only one day a week (once the office is even open again). That's huge for me and my pony hobby because it makes it feasible to keep self boarding where I am ($$$ saving) and also give up the rental place I had down closer to the city. In this expensive market, that's a huge $$$$$ saving. More lessons, shows and a trailer purchase will be easily in budget now, no more saving required. Or do I put that money towards a mortgage on a piece property once the market stabilizes? So many options!

 I'm still going to go forward with the local job interviews I have, because options are nice, but it looks like we're going to make it work where I am and that's exciting and a huge weight off my shoulders. No need to worry about employment any more, no need to build that barn at home and fight with the permits right away, no need to find someone to help on the days I am away, no more budgeting every purchase quite so carefully (although I still will, because that's how I roll).

There are so many changes taking place right now. I'm lucky to have so many good things in along with the bad. Being the person I am who likes a routine and some sort of order and future plan, I kind of fall apart when things change. I've been a little challenged lately, lol. I hope I'll get back on track soon, once the dust settles and I better figure out how this new normal life works. (Have I mentioned that my husband has now retired early? I love it, but it's pretty weird to go from literally being home together one evening a week and doing my own thing all the time to seeing each other 24/7 and considering his plans for the day with mine!)

Anyway, once I'm in a routine of riding after work every day again I'll be all grumpy and weird about it if I don't, so give me (hopefully just a little!) more time and riding will be all you'll be hearing about, I'm sure!



  1. The good thing about tomorrows is right no we still have a lot of them

    1. So true! The days are kind of running into each other at this point. I submit a list of projects at work every week and if I didn't have to do that every Thursday I'd have no idea what day it was or what I even did this month.

  2. lovely photos, so procrastination is pretty at least! I get it: it has been around 100 degrees all week, all my riding plans fizzled, as I don't NEED to ride at 6:30am, horse certainly doesn't mind!

    And Sophie looks so golden in her summer coat!

    1. Aww, thank you! She really is so shiny right now - it's almost metallic looking in real life!

  3. So much money and time savings is happening for you! That. Is. Awesome.

    And I can't wait to hear about nothing but riding. ;-) Hopefully the changes in work/time management thanks to more telework will facilitate your ability to ride all the time!

    1. Nothing but riding, coming right up! (Fingers crossed!)

  4. I think it's the pandemic. I am much more laid back and casual about getting things done. I'm excited for the changes you are getting too with work. I think a lot of employers have realized that work from home is a viable option.

  5. yay for getting back in the saddle for a ride tho!! :D
