Sunday 6 October 2019

Good Girls

I had the kind of week I hope I can continue through the winter. The days are going to get shorter and the weather more challenging, but it's my hope I can keep things ticking over and keep those baby steps coming.

Sunsets are earlier and earlier.

To be honest I've already achieved any goals I had for Sophie this fall. I don't want to seriously have her under saddle until next spring. So, this week we just went for a couple of walks around the neighbourhood, and had a couple of quick sessions in the round pen at the club grounds too. I finished up one day by leading her over part of the really old XC course on site...I think there was a Pony Club here 20+ years ago and nothing has been used since. Still, there are little bits of things left and still hidden in the surrounding forest. She happily trotted and jumped the little logs in hand and navigated a couple of small banks so I guess you could say we're eventers now ;)

Tried this saddle on her and it's a fits through the shoulder but too wide elsewhere. One day the saddle gods will smile on me.

She's getting the idea of lateral flexions and moving her hindquarters and shoulders under saddle. Whoa is pretty solid, go can be a little sticky and wiggly and start/stop as she's just a little unsure still. I'm only on her 5 or 10 minutes at a time and it's all walking. That's plenty for her right now and it's still enough for me to find a good moment or two and make tiny steps of progress.

Bridget also had a good weekend, doing what she does best and showing a nervous horse the ropes of being an ammy friendly trail horse. I am so lucky with her....Murphy's law being what it is you know our outing wouldn't be straightforward. We had to go past a man cutting firewood with a chainsaw on the side of the road and B quite happily marched right on through, even with the other horse jumping around and  bouncing off of her.

I finally pulled her mane too...I could handle this look anymore, so look forward to a more polished Bridget in future posts. Sidenote: It's kind of weird that she's a pony and this is the longest mane and forelock she grows. 

We had a nice flatwork school as well, and she was on fire - light and responsive and so, so, supple and free through her back. She often feels great after a little time off doing other things. She knows her job and gets tense and resentful if she is bored or thinks I am drilling things.

I'm getting an itch to do a little jumping again so some poles and little grids might be a fun thing to add back to the mix to start with. To be honest, as much as I love Bridget it's a little hard to keep motivated without any goals for her. It turns out I am not a trail rider at heart because I'm getting pretty bored with ours. I think it's time to mix it up a bit again.
Bonus moody ocean picture. I took a few and got home and realized there are humpback whales in the center of the frame while I was all focused on panoramic misty mountain tops. Oops.



  1. Really like your whole thought process and method of starting Sophie. Both girls sound like they are doing great!

    1. Thank you, that means a lot to me :) They both seem very happy - even Bridget is way more outgoing and friendly and happy to work these days.

  2. Both girls are so awesome. Sometimes with Carmen (who has the same thoughts as Bridget about drilling) I set up an obstacle course. We practice 'dressage' interspersed with gates/chutes/pole bending. I find it works to keep her engaged.

    1. I love that! That sort of thinking is how we started jumping in the first place...just looking for any opportunity to make it fun but still sneak a little learning in between. I won't lie, a part of me wishes I could crack the code and get her back out showing happily, but the other part of me thinks it's a gift she now offers 110% some of the time and keeps me inspired.

  3. You live in the most beautiful place on Earth. Don't bother travelling.

    1. I'd love to travel more! But I have been making a big effort this year to really look at my local surroundings and appreciate them more. It's easy to get sucked into the negatives, but I know from experience a part of me misses even the mud and ferries when I don't live here.

  4. Glad your week was great and that the banana is a good student!
