Tuesday 22 May 2018

Further Trailventures

I had yesterday off work due to the Victoria Day holiday, which was wonderful! A bit of a taste of what my 4 day work weeks will be like (if we ever actually hire a new person, my schedule change is now bumped forward to July. First world problems, though.)

So, with a whole extra day to spend at home, I spent time doing all my favorite things. I read part of some good books (The Essential Hoof Book, and Training Horses The Ingrid Klimke Way - would recommend both, but the hoof one is particularly good) I improved our garden a bit, went hiking, and cooked too much good food. Best of all, G and I took Sophie for an epic hike on the trails.

Queen Sophie surveying her kingdom

Sophie was, of course, way overexcited at first about coming for a hike with us. She's so sociable, enthusiastic, and so curious. I feel a little guilty we only get her off property a couple of times a week. I need to improve on that, because she's in her element when she's busy and active.

The excitement lasted about 15 minutes, then she was super chill. She doesn't get excited on an out of control flying a kite pony level, but she certainly starts out needing some manners about personal space and reminders to look where she's walking! Homework for me, a little more groundwork with her would not be a bad thing...

About 45 min in, we hit the baby pony wall...where she pretty much was done and I think would have enjoyed a nap, lol. We let her graze in the shade for a while until she started showing interest in proceeding on our way. She's so expressive - I get a real kick out of it. There is never any doubt what she's thinking and she's not shy about expressing herself. She lets you know right away if she's thirsty, tired, hungry, whatever. To a certain extent, with the tiredness I push her past it a little, because she doesn't get to arrange the day and will one day be a riding pony (also she's 2, not a teeny baby!) but I do listen and let her have a break once can I set it up to be 'my' idea. I want her to continue to view our outings as fun!

The walk back down the hill was beautiful and well worth the climb up...the views are nice and the breeze was most welcome. Sophie walked in and out of several ditches and creeks along the way, and met up with a couple of off roading vehicles and an ATV. We went over a couple of 'friendly' bridges, in that they are the same gravel as the trail, but you can see/hear the water flowing under them. I have a feeling she'll be a little concerned when we progress to wood or metal decked ones, but so far she's showing herself to be very sensible and just all around lovely to deal with.

A fun part of our outing was that I simply took her lead rope off when we got back through the farm gate, thinking she'd like to graze in the driveway while I mucked out and said hi to Bridget in the fields further down. So cute, though, she noticed we were gone immediately and came trotting up and followed me around as I did my chores. Apparently we are more fun and interesting than the long grass by the driveway, and also the other horses :)

Bridget missed us



  1. She sounds like such a great little pony.

    1. She's going to be a real handful, I think, but she tries so hard to be good that it's impossible not to like her.

  2. It’s so fun hearing about how she tackles things and how amazing for her education to get out so much before she’s ever rideable

    1. She's naturally pretty hot and spooky, so doing all the things now is hopefully increasing our chances of survival for when I eventually ride, lol

  3. so when you start her up will you try ground driving her? I can see you doing that when you hike her around. She has the cutest face (okay Bridget I like your face too). Love hearing about her adventures...
    I hope your work schedule figures out soon :) July will be here before we know it (EEK!)

    1. Ground driving is definitely in the plan! She needs her wolf teeth pulled before she can wear a bridle, so I am waiting until fall when Bridget gets her teeth/shots/checkup visit too. (We live in an area without a vet, so it's VERY expensive to have him come over outside his scheduled visits...think paying for a day of his time plus travel costs, expensive!)

  4. What a fun outing. I love the portrait photo of you with her. I love how she wants to follow you around! What a good girl. Hopefully she'll look to you and want to interact as much when she's eventually under saddle, too. Grif has that personality and has the greatest work ethic.

    1. I'm really, really hoping her attitude now will translate to under saddle work in the future. I absolutely love horses with that personality, so fun!

  5. aw what a sweetie! i kinda love an expressive and communicative horse, even if sometimes they're kinda over-sharers!

    1. She's very much an over sharer, lol.

  6. 45 minutes was definitely the same about of brain my baby horses had at that age, I totally LOLed reading that part. She sounds like such a good egg :)

    1. Yep...It's like 15-20 min of OMG SO MUCH FUN LETS DO ALL THE THINGS, then 20 min of being a horse, then it's nap time. I find it highly amusing :)
