Monday 22 August 2016


I've been in my current location for about a year and a half now. The job is the one I waited for, and it's funding all those horsey goals I've wanted to chase since...forever ago. I'm so incredibly busy working full time and chasing those dreams that mostly I don't have time to think on downsides to my situation. Besides, there is a whole lot of good going on in my life, and so many opportunities easily taken that I've waited and worked so long for elsewhere.

Then, I travel the two hours home every second weekend and amongst all the fun of visiting, I struggle a little.

Dinner out Friday night with G was fun. Bumping into friends I hadn't seen in forever and having an impromptu birthday party was wonderful. Fireworks on the beach courtesy of a local festival, an added bonus to a great night.
Sunset from our deck

Waking up in the morning snuggled up with G and our cat doesn't happen often enough.

Saturday, I headed up to volunteer for a horsey event. The drill team from where I work during the week had travelled up a demo, and the local girls had arranged a fun games day at our beautiful club grounds to coincide with that. So many friends, old and new, to say hi to, and the sense of community there is amazing.
Coach from years past, S, upping the difficulty factor and bringing a tiny equine along for some of the games. Too cute.

Bridget's one and only ride at the club grounds, a clinic shortly after I bought her

Saturday night, take out dinner and Netflix with G (and our cat who is more like a dog). what should be a normal evening in, but it's a rarity these days

G taking Ginger to the lake a few years ago now
Sunday morning, breakfast with my bestie, who unbelievably, I haven't seen since our girls weekend to the horse expo last October.

And Sunday afternoon, back on the ferry boat to Bridget and my home away from home.

I miss living full time with G. I miss the friends I've had since I was a kid. I miss the little horsey community. I even miss our seemingly never ending hunt for a little horse property of our own.
Bridget again from that clinic, don't think I ever shared these nice pics!

But, I love the opportunity I have here. I like having a good, secure job in my field with above average wages. I really like the area. The people are great. I love being able to take regular lessons, go to shows, and check off some of those long held horsey goals. I remind myself of how frustrated I was career and finances wise at home, how busy G is, and how difficult it is there horse wise.

It's beautiful here too
So, we continue on with the longer term plan. But, wow are there days where it's tough to keep moving forward, because I can't help but feel I'm in danger of leaving some great things behind.


  1. It's hard to decide sometimes between conflicting desires. I would likely stay where I'm at but open to opportunities to return home. You will also make (and probably have made) some wonderful friends in your new location. Maybe get a kitten? :)

    1. Definitely staying for the time being, fingers crossed hard an appropriate career move opens up at home one day. If not, I remind myself to be grateful I have a great job as close to home as I do, since the job market in this area is terrible. Yes, fabulous friends here already, again so lucky in so many ways. Sometimes I just can't help but want it all though! And believe me, the second kitty option is on the table. Kitty = almost as good company as G ;)

  2. That does sounds very tough. I feel very torn right now between working more (to make more money for lessons and other horse things) vs. more family/friend time. I think it's a constant balancing act! I agree that having horses at home would be the most ideal situation :) Love those pics of miss Bridget!

    1. The long term plan is a farm at home where G and live happily every after. I am on the right path for that, even though it's not the easiest at times :)

  3. I understand that challenge completely. I'm glad you're able to pursue the riding goals - but man it's hard not to let the what ifs creep in.

    1. For sure. I am still feeling confident in my choices overall, but it's hard some days.

  4. Ugh competing priorities are basically the worst. I know maybe a little bit of how you feel : my new job gets me closer to some goals while taking me farther from some of the comfort of routine I had been used to. Sometimes it's a challenge to remember the "why" there

    1. I find it really hard to be away from G and my friends right now...but I think in the end it will all be worth it :)

  5. Change is so scary especially when you are used to something, especially alone at night, I think that having a kitten would definitely help :)

    1. Kittens help everything. Corgis help even more ;)

  6. I have a similar history. I moved across the country. I have a better job, horses, a great life, but all I want to do is move back to the east coast. I too want to buy a horse farm. One day. Keep dreaming, keep working.

    1. Oh, I'm sad for you because I understand exactly...wanting to move home but better opportunities for a good life are elsewhere.
