Monday 31 July 2023

Changes pending

 I've been a little quiet but I'm still over here, working hard and enjoying pony time. 

I have a few 'big' (positive) changes pending that I don't feel are quite confirmed enough to post about in detail, but also I feel a little weird writing a post and pretending everything is the same as the last time we chatted. 

At this point I can say Bridget is going out on a lease to a wonderful horsey friend, for her little girl. This wasn't something I'd been actively advertising or looking for, more one of those situations that just seem right for everyone involved.

Even though it feels like the right decision, after ten years of daily Bridget nose boops, it's going to be really weird. She will just be a 15 minute drive away though, and of course she'll come back home once her job is done. 

I'm not sure if it's translated to my writing here, but my gut feeling all this time was that Sophie would eventually go to a new home. I'm OK with having the two girls plus the new little guy, but two riding horses is about all I have time for, so my longer term thoughts were Sophie would likely be sold once Mr Trademark is riding age (because obviously B would never go anywhere). 

But, here we are, with B going somewhere :) As much as I'll miss seeing B every day, I'm looking forward to seeing what having just one pony to ride looks like. It's going to be good for me in a ripping off the band aid sort of way. It's been WAY too easy for me to just grab B and stick with my security blanket, but that is not the path to the progress and learning I want. It's also not a path to making wise decisions about riding goals, because it's also been too easy to not fully invest in Sophie. Horrible to say, but I try to be honest. I've had a hard time with feeling like I'm 'replacing' Bridget and even though it's unfair to ask her for more, and so far past time to move on if I want to get back to competing and advancing...I just haven't. And that would be fine if I was happy puttering around, but I'm not. I need goals. 

Anyway. That's one change. Stay tuned, I think more are coming.



  1. Sounds like a great fit for Bridget and a growth experience for you! I think you will really find out about Sophie by doing this and the bonding and end result should be interesting either way it works out.

    1. It's past time I made a decision. I'm looking forward to being able to honestly say I gave it my best effort, I think just being able to do that will take away any lingering doubts one way or the other and takes some imaginary pressure off. There's not a wrong decision really but I don't like making semi-uninformed ones and wondering 'what if?' after!

  2. awww, what a cool opportunity for your friend's daughter! and what a teaser about other changes -- looking forward to hearing more!

    1. Haha, I made it into a cliffhanger! Unintended, but there are some rather important details still up in the air before I make any bold statements about my plans, lol

  3. The only thing as wonderful for a horse as being loved by a horse-loving woman is to be obsessed over by a horse-crazy little girl <3

    1. Any doubts I might have had disappeared when she showed up with a giant 'birthday cake' she'd put together for B that she absolutely couldn't wait to share with her. B's going to be a lucky pony.

  4. I am in the process of doing something similar with Connor right now, although on-site. This sounds like a wonderful option for everyone in your herd!

    1. Aww, thanks for the comment. I'm feeling a little emotional about it again this morning, it feels nice to know you're making similar decisions with Connor. I know we both think the world of them!

  5. As another working adult amateur with two (riding age) horses, I really enjoy your perspectives on the juggling act that is required. Being a little girl's pony sounds like a great job for B! Looking forward to hearing about the other changes as well.

  6. That will be wonderful to have B so close by. It was heartwarming to read your comment above about the birthday cake gift. I know I would have been over the moon to have a lease pony of my own as a young girl.

  7. It sounds like fate is falling into place.
