Tuesday 5 March 2013

Alberta Bound

I'm still waiting for the paperwork, but I think it's safe to say I'm headed back to Alberta/Saskatchewan in a month or so for a 6 month contract. I went back and forth with my decision for quite some time and finally decided I want to go back and made the call to my employer yesterday. We have a long term plan out here on the coast, but it's looking like the real estate market is going to keep things on hold for us for a few months. So, since progress here is on hold, it only makes sense for me to keep my foot in the door at my 'real' job.

Which means I'll be very sad and missing G, and anxiety ridden over moving the precious Ginger over the Rockies AGAIN. It's OK, I need to lose weight anyways ;)

BUT it also means Ginger and I will be heading back to the barn and trainer that we love. We will also have tons of showing and training opportunities. So you'll get some (hopefully) interesting clinic and lesson recaps rather than more boring trail riding pics :)

Last year's Alberta pictures - I love how there is so much sunshine!

This pic drives me nuts - it's about a half a stride from looking awesome rather than awkward!
Supermodel pose
160 acres of pony heaven!

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